Census records from 1901

Census records from 1901

Below are the census records from 1901. If you have any details on which houses are which, please let us know. Very few of the houses in those days had names but they are shown where they have been entered on the census.

Did you know that…

  • “Straw Plaiters”, the job of the vast majority of women in the 1851 Census, has disappeared.
  • Stambourne Green had a much higher profile, see the entry from Stambourne in Print “Memories of Stambourne”.
  • The innkeeper at The Butcher’s Arms, now The White House near Birdbrook turning, was the enumerator of the census. Bottom entry on the list.
  • The “Haverhill and Stambourne Magazine” used to be published in the 1800s – a predecessor to the “Stambourne Newsletter”?