Bishop Edward’s Prayer and Homily
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
The Lord be with you
And with thy spirit
Holy Father, you sent your son, Jesus Christ to redeem the world from sin and suffering.
Your have given to him holy witnesses who have been lights to the world in their several generations, to encourage those who follow after
We praise you for the witness of your son’s forerunner, John the Baptist, of the holy apostle Andrew, and of Margaret of Antioch, martyr for the faith, who each show us our true obedience.
And we thank you for the inheritance of faith in this parish and community of Stambourne.
For the patronage of Saint Peter, first amongst the apostles, whose strength and warmth and courage inspire us to seek your forgiveness when we fail so that we may share the resilience of his witness for your son Jesus Christ.
And we praise you too for your holy martyr Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, who was steadfast in his defence of our Holy Mother Church against those who sought to subvert her mission and her purposes, and who showed in the simplicity of his sacrifice, his openness to God alone, and not to the world.
We honour the devotion showed to Saint Thomas Becket in this parish in former times, by giving to this Church the title “The Parish Church of Saint Peter and Saint Thomas Becket”. We pray that these two patron saints will have this Church and Parish and all its people under their special protection, to encourage them, support them and sustain them in the years that lie ahead, that they may walk in the way of Christ and in the glory of his heavenly kingdom.
And we remember before God our benefactors and forerunners in the faith in this place down the ages praying that with them we may receive the crown of life, aided by the prayers of Saint Peter the Apostle and Saint Thomas Becket and the whole company of the heavenly host.
And in thy name I pronounce and declare that this Church and Parish of Stambourne rests under the protection of the holy martyrs Peter the Apostle and Thomas Becket.
Christ give you grace to follow his blessed saints in faith and truth and love, and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.
Return to Chapter 2 – Early history