Stambourne Newsletter
Jun / July 2013
Published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council No 215
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – THURSDAY 16th MAY 2013On Thursday 16th May 2013 the Annual General meeting of the Parish Council took place. We were pleased that County Councillor David Finch was able to attend. The first item is to elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the 2013/14 year. Martyn Fall was elected as Chairman and Michael Crago elected as Vice-Chairman.
The Parish Council also appoint representatives for the year for various areas and this year they are as follows:-
Village Hall committee – Vanessa Young
Emergency Planning – Oscar Pickess and Sonia Antonioni
Footpaths – Jenny James
Tree Warden – Oscar Pickess
Public Transport – Michael Crago
Pavilion – The Parish Council is looking into carrying out some improvement works to the pavilion and hopes to obtain some grant funding to this end. We will keep you advised of progress in this area.
Playing field – Repairs are being carried out to the motorbike on the playing field. You may have noticed that more saplings have now been planted on the perimeter of the field. These saplings were awarded to Stambourne Parish Council from the Woodlands Trust as part of their community tree planting scheme and we were very pleased to be successful in applying for some new trees.
Highways - As ever the ongoing situation with potholes continues to be a problem and this was raised with Cllr Finch at the meeting. We continue to report in any problems to Essex County Council as soon as we are aware of them.
Parish Plan – The Parish Council were pleased that some of you have volunteered to be involved in this. I will soon be arranging a meeting with a representative of the RCCE (Rural Community Council of Essex) and the volunteers. More news will follow.
Verge Cutting –The first cut should take place around the end of May with the second following in the autumn.
Accounts – The accounts for the year ended 2013 have been finalised and checked by our internal auditor. These were agreed and signed at the meeting and will now be sent to the external auditor for agreement.
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 18th July 2013 at 7.30pm in the village hall.
You may be aware that Stambourne Parish Council now meets twice yearly with the neighbouring parishes of Ridgewell, Birdbrook and Toppesfield. One of the items to come out of these meetings was the provision of a youth club which could serve all parishes. This would need to be run by volunteers. If any of you are interested in helping to get this running or have ideas as to what could be provided please get in contact with me or one of your parish councillors.
Debbie Hilliard
Parish Clerk
Tel: 01440 785629
Church Wardens’ Report
On Sunday, 24th March there was a Benefice Palm Sunday Service in the Church. After a snow fall and with snow on the ground, we processed from the Village Hall led by Dawn French’s two donkeys to the Church. The Service conducted by the Vicar had a congregation of 43 from the village and the other Benefice Villages of Great and Little Yeldham, Toppesfield and Tilbury juxta Clare.
On Easter Sunday there was a small congregation with one small girl, Miss Drysdale. She found a whole hatful of Easter Eggs hidden in the Church and Church yard.
We continue to have Services every Sunday except for the 5th Sundays when there are combined Benefice Services. Everyone is welcome to come to the Services and meet afterwards at the Tower Room for coffee, tea and biscuits and to meet other people in the village. Alas, all the hidden Easter Eggs have been found by Miss Drysdale, the Church Mouse and his friends.
Alas, the Vicar, The Reverend Barbara Hume has not been well. We all offer her our best wishes and a speedy recovery.
Richard Day
Val Kerrison
Church Wardens
Donkeys arrive at the Church, 24th MarchSTAMBOURNE CHURCH HISTORY TALK
A presentation by Patrick Denny
You probably drive past this building every day but what do you know about it? This beautiful and historic Church can provide us with glimpses into the past. Snippets of history which give us clues to ways of life and worship in Stambourne over the past 900 years.
Whether or not you are a churchgoer, and whether your family has lived in Stambourne for centuries. or you moved in last week; you will find something in this talk to fascinate you and possibly inspire you to take a closer look at this and other Essex Churches
What was the original purpose of the ancient chest in the tower room?
Why are there little slits in the wall near the pulpit?
Eminent local historian, Mr Patrick Denny, will solve these and other puzzles
On Saturday 20th July
At 7.30 pm in Stambourne Church
Light refreshments will be served.
Looking for a great way to celebrate summer? Then why not join us in Birdbrook from 21st - 23rd June for our 'songs of praise' Festival of Flowers.
For the three days of the mid-summer weekend the beautiful parish church of St Augustine of Canterbury will provide the perfect backdrop for the floral displays.
Things get off to a rousing start on Friday 21st June with an evening of music featuring renowned organist David Ivory and mezzo soprano Scilla Stewart.
Scilla has sung roles with major international opera companies and appears regularly on television. David is always in great demand for his recitals of popular 'classics' and this performance in Birdbrook will be his only appearance in Essex this year.
Tickets for the concert are £10 each, with a 10% discount for group bookings of five or more.
The Festival of Flowers opens on Saturday morning. Activities include a barbecue, plant stall, raffle and refreshment tent, with a competition for children. Everything will be rounded off on Sunday with afternoon tea in the garden following the morning service. Entry to the Festival of Flowers is £2.
To book contact Richard Walker on 01440 788887 or Julie Baxter on 01440 788524
For further information please contact Albert Baxter on 01440 788524
What weather we have had! I was watching the Chelsea Flower Show program before writing this and listening to those making gardens who were saying about the problems of getting flowers to bloom at just the right moment - "at least it has been consistently cold..." That’s one way of putting a bright shine on things!
And I am reminded that often people put a bright shine on difficult times. "Oh, there are people worse off than me", they say. This seems to be one way of coping with difficulties, both health and wealth-wise. And it's true of course, but it isn't always helpful in a particular situation! But it often easier to find those people worse off and concentrate on them rather than face the difficulty. They are not difficult to find - in fact for ever one person who might say that there are 99 who live in poverty in this world.
So we do what we can, knowing that for the grace of God that could be any one of us.
However, I am aware that for some, life may be tough at the moment. There may be job changes, or house moves to make, expensive problems to resolve and difficulties to overcome, illnesses or relationship issues that are causing hurt and trouble. It is at these times we often turn to other solutions. We are told a large percentage of people in this country will pray when things get tough – maybe even if it’s the prayer used when they hit their nail with a hammer - a sort of explosive prayer!!! But all the same a prayer! But many do turn to prayer when life gets tough.
So if this is you today then drop a note through our letter box and we will pray for you. You don’t have to tell us who you are or anything! Alternatively call if you would like to talk about something. It often helps to have a person listen, and that is one thing we are here for.
And we know that prayers are answered... We have much testimony to that fact.
We look forward to hearing from you
Every blessing
Rev. Adrian Burr
07983 656166
Preachers for June and July
2nd June Mark Inman
9th June Adrian Burr – Communion
16th June Harry Creswell
23rd June Adrian Burr – Band Service
30th June Franco & Wendy Podlesny
7th July Brenda Taylor
14th July Adrian Burr – Communion
21st July Harry Creswell
28th July Adrian Burr 3pm -
ANNIVERSARY SERVICE – ALL WELCOME – followed by a shared tea
Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Boxes
We will be holding a Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box meeting in July. To complete the 100 boxes that we usually send we particularly need toys for young boys. There will be a “Box Wrapping Day” later in the years as well as a “Box Filling day”. Each box we send requires a donation of £3 for shipping costs and so we are holding fund raising days to cover this cost too. Watch this space and get in touch with me or Lois Hunter if you would like to be involved.
Special Events
Every Tuesday we are open for prayer at 9:30am and drop in for a Coffee and Chat from 10am – 12 noon. Prayers can be dropped through the letter box at the chapel or given to the minister or a member.
Every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm a group enthusiastic musicians and singers from churches around the area, who form the REACH Worship Team, get together to practice and learn new songs. All are welcome to take part or just come and listen.
Saturday 15th June – Bric-a-brac, Jumble Sale and Coffee Morning in aid of Bethesda Gospel Ministries Orphanage in India and Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Appeal. Cakes and games included!
Thursday 18th July, 4:30pm - Wedding for Sheryl Berman and Norbert Karsai
Bible Study every Thursday from 13th June until the 25th July at 2:30pm – Why Jesus?
This is an informal Study where we are invited to ask questions and explore the ideas and principles.
Sunday 2nd June
3pm onwards
Bring your own picnic and join in the fun
60 years ago
It is with much pleasure you are invited to
Our village Picnic for friends and you
We celebrate the coronation 60 years ago
A nice occasion to have a picnic don’t you know
Smiles and laughter with family and friends
Bring a brolly because of our weather trends
Look on the bright side and the sun may be out
So bring along your bright sunhat we shout
Looking forward to seeing you all there
For a lovely day we can all share
Bring and Share Picnic. Don't forget to bring along a rug or your favourite deckchair to sit on, your parasols, a game to play, some sunshine and, most importantly, your smiles!
Sunday June 23rd 2013
2pm – 5pm
Come and join in with the sports themed fun on the Stambourne Recreation Ground.
Test your fitness and join with the games:
Tug of War Races
Standing Long Jump
Face painting Tombola stalls
Grand Raffle Knobbly Knees contest
White elephant stall Side Shows
Burgers Hot Dogs Ice Creams
Teas Coffees Cold Drinks
Ice Cream Floats Cakes
CAKES – Ladies, please remember to cook all those LUVLY cakes for the tea room
We will be round on the evening of Friday 21st June for any donations toward the tombola and grand draw stalls, or you can bring stuff along to the pavilion on Saturday 22nd June between 10am and noon.
If you would like to help on the day or have any queries, please ring
CATH on 01440 785 678
Thank you to everyone who came and supported the Jumble Sale in the Village Hall on the 4th May.
£1,050 was raised and has been sent to Essex Air Ambulance.
Louis Hunter
You and your friends are invited to COLNE VALLEY PRAISE
15th alive@5
at Halstead Baptist Church, Hedingham Road. CO9 2DA
Bishop of Chelmsford
All Welcome! 01787 237669 01787 461607 coming soon.
2nd, Picnic in the Park, 3pm onwards. CELEBRATE THE CORONATION
11th & 25th, Mobile Library, Chapel End Way (16.35), Village Hall (16.55)
12th, Stambourne Ladies Group, 7.30pm, Village Hall
21st - 23rd, Birdbrook Festival of Flowers, Birdbrook Church
23rd, Village Fete, Playing Field, 2pm – 5pm
18th, Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm Village Hall
Items for the next Newsletter by 17th July
Steve Platt Tel : 01440 785638 or Mobile : 07767 357016
Email :