Stambourne Newsletter
Feb / Mar 2013
Published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council No 213
The first meeting of 2013 took place on a cold Thursday night on 17 January just before more snow was forecast.
Pavilion – thank you to Mick Dowling for draining the water system before the onset of freezing weather.
Playing field – Research is taking place to apply for grant funding to supply a new dog bin and some rubber mesh matting for the playing field. Some details have been circulated to parish councillors and will be decided at the March meeting. An application has also been made to the Woodlands Trust for a pack of young trees to be planted on the playing field. We await the outcome.
Highways – As usual the state of the parish’s roads is a cause for concern with various potholes that require attention. These will be reported in. Please take care on the roads and remember that you can report any potholes via the Essex County Council website at
Footpaths – Again, there are a number of minor issues requiring attention which will be reported in.
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 21 March 2013 at 7.30pm in the village hall.
Full minutes and agendas are available on the website at
Debbie Hilliard
Parish Clerk
Tel: 01440 785629
Report by Oscar Pickess, Tree Warden
I have the dieback problem on self-sown saplings at home. The Forestry Commission have been notified but no action will be taken until the spring when it should show on new leaf growth. It is suggested that mature trees should be left as they are valuable to wildlife, unless they are in danger of shedding branches, etc. There may also be genetic strains which could be resistant to the disease.
The Forestry Commission have a Chalara webpage: chalara action plan at:
My opinion is that matters are already beyond control and that there will be a loss of valuable trees. Thank you for your kind help.
I can be contacted on 01440 788110, if required.
No, please don’t turn over!
Read on and see what you think
Part of the role of your Parish Council is to work with Braintree District and Essex County Councils on trying to secure funding and facilities for the village. All of this takes place in the context of well established District and County plans that outline how future developments are to be prioritised.
What is a Parish Plan?
A Parish Plan is a document setting out how residents want to see their village develop over the next few years, covering areas such as transport, roads, planning and any other items specific to the area.
With an increasing emphasis on “localism” we now have an opportunity to develop a plan which is specific to Stambourne. Other parishes have already done this (Toppesfield and Ridgewell) and others have started the process (Birdbrook) and, like us, others are considering the options. A village plan feeds into the higher level plans which should look to and take note of more local requirements, so it is an opportunity to have more influence on how our community develops in the future.
How do we get a Parish Plan?
A Parish Plan is put together by a committee of parishioners. The committee would be chaired by a parish councillor, who is there to give advice and help with the workings of the council, but not to put forward or get involved in ideas. We are therefore looking for a group of people to come forward to form this committee. Size is not yet decided but representation from a wide range of parishioners in terms of age and where you live in the village would be required.
Help and Advice
The Rural Community Council of Essex (RCCE) are available to provide help and guidance through the process. There may also be the possibility of grant funding available to cover expenses.
What Next?
So, here is the crunch, do you feel you can get involved in putting forward and making decisions for the future of the parish? If so, come forward now. We aim to put preparation of such a plan in motion as soon as possible. We are looking for names to put to the next Parish Council meeting in March. Please contact the clerk or any of your Parish Councillors if you would like to get involved.
Debbie Hilliard
Parish Clerk
Tel: 01440 785629
Church Wardens’ Report
The carol service was well attended with over 93 people, including children. This was despite the Stambourne Singers unable to be present because of the change of date and their other commitments. The choir was started in the village in the 1970s. If anyone in the village would like to start a new choir please contact us. Our organist, David Starr, who played at the Carol Service and Christmas Day services would be happy to organise this. He already sings in large local choirs at Long Melford and Sudbury.
We would like to thank Oscar and Jane Pickess who donated and decorated the Christmas Tree and Cath and Graham Pochin who did the magnificent Christmas flowers. The church mouse was astonished by the number of people who helped decorate the church with holly and ivy. He told us that next year he will alert all his friends including the lowly field mice that after Carol Service that there were a lot of mince pies over!
The Church services are still at 9.30am most Sundays, the exception being the 5th Sundays of any month. After the service there are tea, coffee and biscuits in the Norman tower. Everyone is welcome to join us at any of our services.
Church Wardens
Richard Day 01440 785580
Val Kerrison 01440 785752
From the ChapelOver the coming months we have decided to serve a baked potato supper and then show a film that is of general interest, but also that might make us think a bit. Our first one was Faith Like Potatoes - a true story of a Zimbabwean Farmer who moves to South Africa and grows his potato crop and his faith.. His journey is fascinating and makes for an entertaining and enjoyable film, but also shows that faith is real. It’s not a prop for wimps, or something reserved for people who are inadequate in some way, but is for those who can trust in a God who has the power to confound us all! All proceeds from these evenings will go to charity.
There are several other films we could show, but if you have a favourite we would love to hear from you. We can't do the block busters, but I am sure there are films that will be both enjoyable and provide a topic of discussion.
Our event “Has God finished with the Jews” was postponed due to the snow and is now on March 9th, so please come along at 10am and find out what Christianity and Jews have to celebrate...
We also have our AMP weekend, featuring Art, Music and Poetry on 22-24th March. Anyone is welcome to exhibit works of Art and Poetry (or prose) where art can be images or sculptures or even flower arrangements! As part of this weekend we will have Daniel Cozens, an accomplished artist, coming to present a "Night of Colour" where he talks about his art and his faith in equal measure. Some of the pictures are amazing! It will be an evening to remember, and we will be surrounded by the pictures and art of the exhibition, including children's contributions from Toppesfield School.
Our Sunday worship on the 24th will be from 10am until 12:30 and you can drop in or stay a while, look at the art, grab a coffee, and go as you need ....
The program at the moment includes:
Friday 12noon until 6pm Exhibition open and teas served
Saturday 10am open, Coffee etc
12noon Music and Poetry over Lunch
6pm “A Night of Colour” with Daniel Cozens
Sunday 10am until 12:30
A time of worship led by the Reach Worship Team and with talks relating to Music, Art and Poetry
12:30 to 4pm exhibition open
4pm close.
We hope you can come and enjoy this time of sharing the creative talents provided by our Creator God, and, if you are creative in art, music or poetry and would like to take part we would love to hear from you!
On a different note, if it’s still cold and icy, remember your neighbours! I hope we can all stay warm!
Every Blessing
Adrian Burr, minister, Stambourne Chapel
07983 656166
10th February, Brenda Taylor from Junction 28 Church, Alfreton, leads worship at Stambourne Chapel 10:45am
3rd March, Esther Lever, Author of “The ingathering of Israel, leads worship 10:45am
9th March – “Has God finished with the Jews” – a Biblical perspective
22-24th March Art, Music and Poetry Weekend (AMP)
29th March, Good Friday Service
31st March Easter Sunday service at 10:45am
Every Tuesday from 10am to 12 noon the Chapel is open for coffee and a chat.
31st February – 2:30pm Bible Study – How do we understand the Bible?
7th February to 14th March inclusive every Thursday at 2:30pm, second series in our study of Why Salvation? This time about Why Israel?
These are informal discussions around some leading questions that help us to find out for ourselves the Big picture story of the Bible.
We look forward to meeting you at Chapel and around the village!
TICKETS: £10 each (inc. supper)
To buy tickets & make supper orders contact Helen Burns on 07581071716 or 01440 709256
A warm welcome to the start of the Spring term at St Margaret’s and best wishes for a wonderful new year.
The children performed brilliantly at our Christmas productions and as always amazed everyone with their acting talents and enthusiasm taking part in the performances of ‘The Jigsaw’ at the end of last term.
On the last day of term it was lovely to see so many of you join us in a celebration at St Margaret’s church; thank you for making it such a joyous way to end the term.
This term the children have lots of exciting things planned for them including an owl experience day where the children will get to see the owls and learn about their eating habits, habitats etc.
We have the travelling book fayre visiting us from the 31st January where the children and parents can purchase books and stationary items from a great range of genres and authors with proceeds going towards our own school library.
The fayre will be open after school at 3.15 for 1 week allowing plenty of time for children, parents, friends and the community to come and have a look. Further details can be found via the school office.
We have our infant music festival to look forward to in March; an exciting time for the children where they get to meet with other young children from the surrounding villages and perform together.
I look forward to sharing the experiences with you all through our website:
...and via our school newsletters.
Kim Hall
Diary Dates
6th & 20th, Mobile Library, Chapel End Way (16.35), Village Hall (16.55)
6th & 20th, Mobile Library, Chapel End Way (16.35), Village Hall (16.55)
21st, Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Village Hall
30th, Murder Mystery Evening, 7pm, Village Hall
Items for the next Newsletter by 17th March
Steve Platt Tel : 01440 785638 or Mobile : 07767 357016
Email :