Jun / Jul 2012
Published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council No 209
The first meeting of the parish calendar took place on Thursday 17 May 2012 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Stambourne.
Election of Chairman for 2012/13
Martyn Fall was nominated by Michael Crago and seconded by Oscar Pickess.
Election of Vice Chairman
Michael Crago was nominated by Oscar Pickess and seconded by Jenny James.
Appointment of Representatives
Village Hall Committee – Mrs Vanessa Young
Emergency Planning – Oscar Pickess
Footpaths – Mr Jenny James
Tree Warden – Mr Oscar Pickess
Public Transport – Mr Michael Crago
Litter Pick – The Parish Council thanked the scouts for their litter pick of the parish. A donation will be made to the scouts. Pavilion - Toppesfield Parish have asked if they could borrow the barbecues to use for their Jubilee celebrations. This was agreed. Oscar will remove the ash from the bonfire and the rubble also needs to be moved. Playing field - Debbie has been given the details for ordering the bark and will organise this to take place after the Jubilee weekend.
Highways and Footpaths -Sonia reported on the road collapse in Dyers End and it was noted that EDF have admitted responsibility and will repair it. A number of potholes will be report to Essex Highways. Please note that potholes can be reported direct to Essex County Council at their website www.Essex.gov.uk
It was noted that dog fouling on paths and roadsides is becoming a problem. Please would you kindly clear up after your dogs. Dog bins are situated in both Stambourne and Chapel End Way.
Sandbags – The parish council does have a supply of sandbags available and these were put to good use during the recent wet weather. Thank you to Michael and Paul Crago for their help in distributing these recently.
Statement of Accounts for 2011/12 -Debbie presented the statement of accounts for the year 2011/12. They have been checked and agreed by the internal auditor. The statement was signed by the chairman and clerk and the accounts will be forwarded to the external auditor.
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 19 July 2012 at 7.30pm in the village hall, Stambourne.
Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clark
01440 785629 Email: Debbie.Hilliard@duffields.co.uk
3rd June 9.30am Morning Prayer, Ministry Team
10th June 9.30am Holy Communion, The Vicar
17th June 9.30am Morning Prayer, Ministry Team
24th June 9.30am Holy Communion, The Vicar
1st July 9.30am Morning Prayer, Ministry Team
8th July 9.30am Holy Communion, The Vicar
15th July 9.30am Morning Prayer, Ministry Team
22nd July 9.30am Morning Prayer, Ministry Team
29th July 10.00am Benefice Communion, The Vicar
5th August 9.30am Holy Communion, Rev. Richard Caink
12th August 9.30am Holy Communion, The Vicar
19th August 9.30am Morning Prayer, Ministry Team
26th August 9.30am Holy Communion, The Vicar
From the Chapel
I was reading the Bible this week in Isaiah 4 where it talks about 7 women deciding to live alone (without men), but just asking the men to give them children. It then says God's people will be blessed at this time. Sound familiar? Do we live in that time? I will leave you to judge for yourself!
In these days when anything goes, it is good to see that the Bible predicts all these things and says what is going to happen. The Bible really is the living word for today. It speaks into our own lives and into the lives of everyone, whether they believe or not. That surely is what you would expect of the creator God who made the world and everything in it. And so we can use it as our guide for our lives. It really is God's Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth and shows God’s love for each one of us, whether or not we decide to believe.
Church News
Stambourne Chapel has decided to collect aluminium cans and recycle them in aid of the shed fund for the chapel. Let Lois Hunter, (Abelard, Dyers End), Adrian Burr (at Chapel), Ron Bentley (Haverhill), or Natalia Taylor (Wethersfield) have your cans. We are always there 10-12 on Tuesday mornings so would always be pleased receive them then (and you can always have a cup of coffee too!!)
If you have pictures of the chapel from the last 100 years we would also like to see them and perhaps use them for our part of the exhibition on 2nd/3rd June which will be in the Church of England.
This is 350th Anniversary year and so as part of our celebrations we are holding a service on 22nd July at 3pm followed by tea and cakes. This will be a traditional anniversary service and all are welcome to come along and take part.
Watch out for more fun things to come along to during this year...
Every blessing
Adrian Burr
07983 656166
We are here to help at times of need and for Funerals, Weddings, Christenings and Baptisms, and all your life events.
Visiting preachers and special services for June and July
Services start at 10:45 am
A Warm Welcome awaits
3rd Ken Davies from Witham
10th Communion Service
24th Mark Inman – Family Service with Worship band
1st Visiting minister
8th Communion
15th Nick Addington, Kedington
22nd ANNIVERSARY SERVICE at 3pm followed by refreshments
29th Ken Davies
The Chapel is open for coffee, a chat, and prayer on Tuesdays from 10-12pm.
Jumble Sale – A Big Thank You
I would like to thank everyone that helped and all who made cakes. Also, thank you to everyone who contributed to the jumble. £860 was raised and after the £40 hire of the village hall, £820 will go to Essex Air Ambulance. Thank you all.
Louis Hunter
Cheeky Chimps Half Term Musical Picnic
7th June Stambourne Village Hall 10.30am start
One hour of Cheeky Chimps musical fun followed by a picnic in the park
£5 per child (£8 for two siblings) Siblings under six months FREE
New comers pay just £1 which is donated to The Baby Isaac Fund http://babyisaacfund.org.uk/
Please book your places in advance by visiting www.cheekychimpsmusic.co.uk or calling Anita on 07810 801962
Toppesfield School
Life at St. Margaret’s continues apace, with lots of activities in addition to our normal curriculum. Just a couple of weeks ago we had a Mad Science day when the children were taught by Professor Chaos who specialises in presenting some quite complex science in a fun way; our children are now familiar with atoms, molecules and reactions which are not nearly as boring as they thought they might be.
The children (and staff) are getting used to the much enhanced computing capabilities which were commissioned earlier in the year. We now have almost one computer to two children and as we have invested in lap-tops we are able to integrate computing into normal lessons much more easily. (Not that we have turned our backs on more traditional learning methods; computers are there to help, not take over.)
As we look forward into the summer term, we will be building a new playground shelter which will provide a quiet space for children who want to take a break from the rough and tumble of normal playtimes. This is something the children had suggested and we are able to build this thanks to financial help from the Toppesfield School Association (TSA)
After half term we will be welcoming in to school, on a part-time basis, the children who will be joining us in September. We try to make the transition to full-time school as painless as possible, recognising that the move can be quite traumatic. We work closely with the Little Chestnuts Playgroup during this period and thank them for their co-operation. We are also preparing for our residential school visit to Bradwell for the elder children. This will take place over 4 days in June. We are also organising an “Olympic” day at the seaside for the younger children.
Come and join in the Stambourne Big, Bring and Share Lunch
Sunday 3rd June
On Stambourne Playing Field 12:00
Fancy Dress Competition 14:00
All villagers, family and friends welcome.
Bring a picnic and sit around a big table and eat with everybody - bring some extras if you like to share
Come and visit
“Elizabethan Stambourne 1952 – 2012”
In the Church
Saturday 2nd June and Sunday 3rd June 1400 – 1600
Teas available. Free Entry
Sunday June 24th 2012
2pm – 5pm
Come and join in with the Olympics themed fun on the Stambourne Recreation Ground.
Test your fitness and join with the games:
Tug of War Races
Standing Long Jump
Face painting Tombola stalls
Grand Raffle Knobbly Knees contest
White elephant stall Side Shows
Burgers Hot Dogs Ice Creams
Teas Coffees Cold Drinks
Ice Cream Floats Cakes
CAKES – Ladies, please remember to cook all those LUVLY cakes for the tea room
We will be round on the evening of Friday 22nd June for any donations toward the tombola and grand draw stalls, or you can bring stuff along to the pavilion on Saturday 23rd June between 10am and noon.
If you would like to help on the day or have any queries, please ring
CATH on 01440 785 678
After an absence of several years, Stambourne village hall saw the revival of a quiz on the 18th May, when six teams from the village and the surrounding area racked their brains over the flags of nations, the opening of the Suez Canal, the currency of the Philippines and other matters of vital importance.
The team captained by Neil Pyman won the day, with Martyn Fall and his squad (fairly) close behind and Rosie Shaw third.
The real object of the evening, to have a good time, was handsomely achieved, with good food, good company and friendly competition.
Our thanks go to Sheila Harvey and her friends who set, asked and marked the questions, and to the several people who gave time, ingredients and skill to prepare an excellent meal.
2nd & 3rd Elizabethan Stambourne Exhibition, Church 2pm – 4pm
3rd Jubilee Celebrations, picnic and games, Playing Field, 12pm
7th Cheeky Chimps Half Term Musical Picnic Village Hall 10.30am
13th Mobile Library, Chapel End Way 4.35-4.50, Village Hall 4.55-5.30
13th Stambourne Ladies Group, Village Hall, 7.30pm
24th Stambourne Fete, Playing field, 2 – 5pm
27th Mobile Library, Chapel End Way 4.35-4.50, Village Hall 4.55-5.30
7th Olympic torch : Saffron Walden, Haverhill & Bury St Edmunds
11th Stambourne Ladies Group, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Items for the next Newsletter by 17th July please
Steve Platt Tel : 01440 785638 or Mobile : 07767 357016
email : me@stephenplatt.com
April’s weather in Stambourne was a welcome relief to those who wanted rain, although a lot will feel they had enough of it by mid-month! The chart below shows rainfall from April last year to April this year, an increase from 4mm in 2011 to 97mm in 2012 (3.8 inches).
Stambourne’s rainfall in mm from April 2011 to April 2012
The coldest temperature recorded in Stambourne so far this year was
-14.4c (a chilly 6 degrees Fahrenheit) on the 11th February. We’ve also had a couple of windy spells, with a gust of 41.3 mph on recorded in early January.
All information taken from Stambourne’s weather website at www.stambourne.com/weather