Stambourne Newsletter
Published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council No. 235
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – Thursday 15th SeptemberThe latest meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 15 September at 7.30pm in the village hall.
Playing field – The Parish Council would like to thank Annabel Vater and her team who organised the spring Jumble Sale for their donation towards new play equipment.
The Parish Council are looking into applying for grant funding towards some new equipment in 2017 and this donation could be used towards this.
Highways – As usual there are a number of issues to be dealt with and the Parish Council continues to be in touch with ECC Highways to get these matters dealt with. You may have all noticed the new sign on Birdbrook Corner and its spelling!
Footpaths – It has been reported that there is a plank missing from the footbridge on footpath 24. This has been reported and should be repaired soon but please take care if you are using this path.
Planning – There were 2 applications to consider and a proposal for a site for inclusion in the local plan. As follows:-
New site for local plan – Collins Farm
Application No: 16/01148/FUL Primrose Cottage
Application No: 16/01465/FUL & 01466/LBC Slough Farm
Sandbags – Braintree District Council have stopped supplying sandbags for use for free to parishes. Parishioners can contact Braintree District Council on 01376 552525 to buy supplies or they are available from private companies. The Parish Council has a limited number of sandbags remaining available from Michael Crago on 07779 672388
Winter salt – Bags of salt are available from the Parish Council. These are strictly for use on the public highway on areas not salted by Essex County Council. Please contact Michael Crago on 07779 672388 should you need some.
War Memorial – We are pleased to say the War Memorials Trust have awarded the Parish Council £990.00 towards the cost of renovating the war memorial. The work has now been completed and I think you will agree that it looks very good. Thank you to the War Memorials Trust.
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 17 November 2016 at 7.30pm in the village hall.
Debbie Hilliard
Parish Clerk
Tel: 01440 785629
ST. PETER & ST. THOMAS BECKET PARISH CHURCHOn Sunday 11th September, Stambourne Church celebrated its Harvest Festival.
The first one in the Benefice with the other Churches following on the next 4 Sundays. Details are on the Church Noticeboard should anyone wish to attend another Harvest Service.
Our Church looked lovely for the occasion & I would like to thank all those who decorated it, gave produce & made cakes for the refreshments.
As well as our usual Services on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month @ 9.30am, please make a note in your diaries of the following:
Please feel free to contact me or our Vicar Liz Paxton for any further details on these Services or any other Church issues.
Val Kerrison - Churchwarden - 01440 785752
Rev. Liz Paxton - 01787 277270
Going for Gold
It seems that this has been a most gloriously golden summer, whether you are thinking about the British Olympic results in Rio or the golden successes at the time of writing for our Paralympians. Looking around our beautiful countryside, just as we lose the gold of the fields as they are ploughed ready for the next crop, the trees take up the challenge and begin to glow with their autumn colours.
Some of this gold is achieved with great effort, either by the athletes training for years to achieve the reward of the medal, or the farmers working long hours in the fields to bring in the harvest. But some of this gold that we see is a pure gift from God - the natural beauty that surrounds us in this place.
So if you are feeling the pinch, perhaps you are a bit hard up and would love a bit more spending money – don’t despair that there isn’t enough ‘gold’ in your bank account but take heart in the gold that surrounds you in this place and count your blessings that you live in such a beautiful place.
It’s not only a visual feast but we have also been treated to a musical feast recently, with some Dutch musicians coming over and putting on a concert in St Peter and St Thomas’ church.
The evening was a great success and is likely to be repeated. The next musical event is an evening of Taise music with the Hedingham choir coming to sing with us and for us on 9th October at 5.30pm. Taize is an ecumenical sung and silent participatory prayer service, designed to achieve a contemplative state through music, song and silence.
Come and try it if it is a new experience for you. There is no charge (although there will be a retiring collection). The music will last no longer than an hour.
As Jesus’ apostle Peter says, “you know it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life...but with the precious blood of Christ” So come and be filled with a visual and musical feast as we worship the Lord in a new way in this Taize evening.
With every Blessing
Rev Liz Paxton
It’s unusual to print obituaries in our newsletter, but we have just seen the passing of an individual who was a true son of Stambourne and who made an immense contribution to our community during his long and active life.
It is therefore appropriate to show our appreciation of the life of Brian Wright. Brian passed away on the 4th September, at the age of 87 following a long battle with Parkinson’s Disease.
Brian was unusual in that he spent almost all of his life in Stambourne, initially living at Mill Farm on the Yeldham Road with his parents and then at Nimrod in Dyers End. He ended his days in a care home in Cromer.
He married Nona in 1980 and they split their time between Dyers End and a cottage near Holt, in Norfolk.
In his working life Brian was Quality Control Manager at the Courtaulds Mill in Bocking and his knowledge of fabrics was second to none, but that all came to an end with the sad demise of the Courtauld empire and the closure of all their local weaving mills.
One of Brian’s great loves was cricket and he was a stalwart of the Stambourne Cricket Club for many years, being captain for a long period. After he retired from playing he continued to help with administration until the club folded in the 1990’s
Along with Nona, Brian was fully involved with the Village Hall Committee and he made full use of the hall by running a very popular dance club that used to meet on Saturday evenings.
In fact there were few organisations with which Brian was not involved. Whatever the project, he could be relied upon to help. Above all else, Brian was a gentleman in all senses of the word and he will be sadly missed by those who were fortunate enough to know him.
Donations can be made, in Brian’s memory, to: Parkinson’s UK, 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EJ
A message from Nona Wright
Thank you all for your messages of sympathy and support when Brian died. They were greatly appreciated. It is good to know he was loved and remembered by so many friends at Stambourne. With fond memories of happy times. Nona.
FROM THE CHAPELYour chapel in Stambourne recently held a Family History Day as part of the National Trusts Heritage Open Day events. We had a few people come in to research their family history using records from the chapel and the internet web sites and the expertise of one of our number who loves doing this sort of thing. And new facts were discovered, new relatives found, and parts of their family tree were filled out.
Which led us on to think about where we all come from. Some like to think of themselves as indigenous people, others know that their recent family history shows they came from another country and another culture. But how much do we really know? If we take the DNA tests that are on offer we can discover where our true roots are, and that can lead to some real surprises! Perhaps we thought we were born in North Essex and all the family are from around here, but way back there may be a completely different story. You may be Scandinavian, South American, Asian or even African in origin – it doesn't necessarily show up in the colour of your skin!!
But as Christians, our roots are not so much of concern as to who our family is today. Can we claim to be part of the Christian culture and background of this country, or have we moved away to be part of a broader culture that embraces many ideas? Are we Christian by default or have we made a choice to be Christian? For this is exactly what we have been given – a choice. The Bible is full of stories of people who have turned to God, or turned away from Him, or even been oblivious of Him. And those stories make most interesting reading! It's a book full of the tales that most of our well published authors have drawn from. Giants and dwarfs, strong and mighty kings and queens and those who are weak and vulnerable, wars won and lost, acts of kindness and acts of hatred. In fact it contains every human emotion and every human condition that we have ever known or can imagine!
But back to the question – we have a choice. We can turn away, or we can turn to God and accept Christ as our Saviour. Our Churches represent a family of people who have taken the second choice. I call them a family because that is what Jesus called them. We are part of an international organisation that provides food for the hungry, homes for the poor, finances for the needy, care for the lonely, the sick, and the vulnerable, and above all, love for all, both within and outside of the church family regardless of faith, colour, creed, and anything else. And there are two representative groups of that family in Stambourne, the Church and the Chapel. While the Chapel doesn't hope to do all those things, we do some of them. With the great help of, and our thanks to many people in this village of Stambourne, we support projects and provide equipment for the disabled in a country where they can't get such equipment1, we support children through school where they would otherwise not get schooling or proper meals2, we provide Christmas gifts to children who have few or no possessions at all3. We support those who have illnesses4. And when disaster strikes we try to provide support for people who are hungry, homeless, bereaved or injured.
And this Christmas (as last) if you have no relatives to go to, no family to be with and would be at home alone, or with a spouse or partner, then we would love to offer you a Christmas meal at the Chapel with other people in a similar situation. Just call us to let us know. Numbers are limited!
And if there is something else you think we could be doing and are willing to help and contribute to the work, please contact us and let us know. We would be delighted to discuss any ideas with you!
Warmest greetings Adrian Burr
Minister, Stambourne Chapel, 07983 656166, 01440 730211
2/10 Film Evening with meal – “Captive” starring David Oyelowo and Kate Mara phone for invite - 01371 345377
9/10 Taizé Service at the CofE at 15/10 5:30pm Shoe Box Packing Day – contact Lois Hunter 01440 785720
30/10 "Explore the Bible in song" Starting at 6pm. Our band leads the way in exploring Bible themes and subjects through modern songs.
3/11 Joint All Souls Service at the CofE at 4pm
9/11 Joint Remembrance Service at 10:45pm round the war memorial and afterwards in the church
3/12 Christmas Fair and Craft Day - in the Chapel 10-2pm
Every Sunday Our Worship Service is held at 10:45 am followed by coffee 1st Sunday join us for a Communion Service 2nd and 3rd Sundays Lively Worship Services sometimes with visiting preachers 4th Sunday - Service followed by Lunch together
Every Tuesday - 10-12am Coffee and Chat. Discussion and craft over coffee and biscuits. Come and join a little time out for fun and friendship!
Every Tuesday – Stambourne Worship Team Practice evening. Join us at 7pm for prayer, and 7:30pm for the music. If you play an instrument or sing we would welcome you to come and see whether you could join us.
Every Wednesday - 7pm Intercessory Prayers. If you would like prayer for your needs or for a friend or family member then please let us know or come and join us. Drop a note through our letter box ...
Every Thursday – 7:30pm House Group and Bible Study – Open to all. Call if you would like to join with us.
Contacts: Adrian Burr, Minister, 01440 730211, 07983 656166, Brian Mead, Secretary, 01371 345377,
Saturday 12th November only £20 a seat.
Leaves Toppesfield Pump 8am, returns around 4pm.
50/50 raffle held on trip with any profit going to Little Hedgehogs Toddlers Group
£5 deposit when booking plus full payment by 1st Nov.
Please contact Zoe on 01440 785778
Stambourne Ladies invite you to our next meeting on
Wednesday 12th October at 7.30pm
in the Village Hall.
Our special guest is Ashley Cooper who is a well-known local farmer and the author of “Heart of our History” and “Our Mother Earth”.
Entrance is £3 for non-members.
Refreshments will be available.
We look forward to seeing you.
Stambourne Ladies.
Stambourne Village Hall
10th December
Yes I know it seems miles away but it's not.
On Sat. Dec. 10th we will have the Christmas Quiz.
7.00 pm for 7.30 Start
£10 per person
£5 under eleven
2 Course Meal
Bring your own Booze and Glasses.
Lots of Laughs and Competition.
It doesn't matter if you are on your own or just two.
You are put with other people, so you can blame them if the team is rubbish.
Ring Cath on 01440 785678
The Neighbourhood Watch team is a line of communication for villagers to spread news of any burglaries or suspicious sightings etc., that may occur within Stambourne.
In the first instance call the police and report the incident and follow this up with a call to Vicky Dowling on 01440 785528 who will inform the tree of communication who, in turn, will make their neighbours aware.
For those who live in Essex and would like to volunteer to work with Essex police to reduce crime please send your full details and email address to
12TH OCTOBER Stambourne Ladies’ Group
Ashley Cooper, Harvest home. Open meeting.
5TH NOVEMBER Bonfire night, playing field 6.30pm.
12TH NOVEMBER Bus trip to Norwich
10TH DECEMBER 7pm Quiz Night, Village Hall
Items for the next newsletter by 17th November
Steve Platt Email : or phone 07767 357016