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Stambourne Newsletter
Published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council No.

The latest meeting of the Parish Council took place on Wednesday 19 September 2018 at 7.30pm in the village hall, Stambourne. We were pleased to welcome Braintree District Councillor Richard Van Dulken and one member of the public to the meeting.
Report of District Councillor
Richard advised that the proposal to bring together the doctors’ surgeries in Sible Hedingham is progressing and should be going ahead. This will provide better facilities than the current buildings and the combined surgery should also be able to offer a wider range of services.
Richard updated the Parish Council on the Braintree Local Plan - every district council now has to provide a number of houses each year. The main proposal for Braintree is to build 3 garden villages – Blakes End Farm near the A120, Marks Tey and a third in the Tendring area. These 3 villages have the potential to grow into new large villages with all the necessary infrastructure and access to good road networks.
Pavilion Toilet Refurbishment
The work is now complete apart from lighting, which should be completed shortly, and some minor maintenance. The Parish Council intends to apply for further funding to continue the refurbishment of the pavilion. We will keep you advised of progress.
Playing Field
The wooden climbing frame has been out of action for some time due to some timbers which require replacement. The Parish Council has obtained a grant towards the cost of the repair and new parts have been ordered. They will be fitted as soon as possible.
There have been two applications made recently -
The Parish Council have been notified of a proposal to submit a planning application for a number of houses on land at Chapel End Way near to Birdbrook Corner. At the moment no formal application has been made to Braintree District Council and the Parish Council await notification from Braintree should any application be made. We will keep you advised of any developments.
nnual Audit
Debbie reported that the annual audit for the year 2017/18 had been agreed by PKF Littlejohn.
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 15 November 2018 at 7.30pm in the village hall.
Full minutes etc are available on the village website at
Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk Tel: 01440 785629 Email:


I would like to say how absolutely overwhelmed I am by the villagers generosity and
support. I started with a £350 target and my final total is £2757raised for SCOPE. I
would like to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored me and
especially to Poppy for my brilliant banner!
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You will probably have noticed that there have recently been extensive road closures and diversions on roads in villages around Stambourne. These disruptions have been caused by Gigaclear, a company that is laying fibre optic cable around the district to enable access to superfast broadband.
The bad news is that most of Stambourne is not scheduled to receive this fibre optic upgrade. Since BT laid a fibre optic cable to the green box on Hill Farm Corner it is probable that most properties currently get download speeds that satisfy their immediate needs.
So why should we worry about further enhancement? To use a fashionable phrase it’s about “future proofing”. We know that BT has no plans to enhance its speeds, so what you have now is as good as it is likely to get. It is certain that what is adequate today will be totally out of step with the needs of tomorrow; the internet and associated services are developing at a staggering pace and the concern is that if Stambourne cannot access these services we will become an internet backwater. This will have a significant impact on property prices and the ability to work from home will become impossible.
The only option that is open to us, here in Stambourne, is to reconsider the proposal that was made last year by County Broadband who were prepared to lay fibre optic cable to the village as long as enough households expressed an interest. At this time County Broadband are looking for another fifteen such expressions to make the project viable.
The offering from County Broadband is defined on
their website
You will see that the comprehensive package they propose is competitive.
You are likely to be locked into a contract with your existing provider, however this does not matter as County Broadband are willing to let the contract expire before taking you on board. (But you do need to sign-up now to get the number of subscribers up to a viable level.)
You will be hearing more from County Broadband who are planning to hold a meeting in the near future to explain their offering and answer any questions you might have.
The Parish Council is totally independent of County Broadband, but we know them to be a well-established and reputable company. We have a fear that Stambourne is in danger of missing out on a once in a lifetime opportunity and the County Broadband proposal is the only option available to us.
For the future of the village, and your future broadband access please take another look and give serious consideration to signing-up.
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Rev. Liz Paxton’s licensing service took place on 3rd. September at Sible Hedingham Parish Church. It was a lovely evening supported by many friends and colleagues of Liz’s and with a delicious assortment of refreshments supplied by all of the seven Churches in the benefice.
The harvest festival on 23rd September was well supported. Thank you to all who attended and to all those who donated produce, flowers and decorations for the Church. My own personal thanks go to Heather, Ian, Jane and Oscar for all their hard work in making our lovely Church look so special for the day.

Date: Time: Service:
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th. October

79:30 am Morning Prayer
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th. October

Dave Brown
149:30 am Holy Communion
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Rev. Liz Paxton
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st. October
th. October

21No service at Stambourne - please see notice board for other services in the Benefice
289:30 am Morning Prayer
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th. November

Dave Brown
49:30 am Morning Prayer
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Dave Brown
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th. November

1110:45 am REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY (Joint Service with the Chapel) Malcolm Buckland and Adrian Burr
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th. November
th. November

18No service at Stambourne - please see notice board for other services in the Benefice
259:30 am Holy Communion
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Rev. Liz Paxton
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Sunday 23rd December @ 3pm - CAROL SERVICE Rev. Liz Paxton
(followed by refreshments)
Tuesday 25th December @ 9.30am - CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE Rev. Liz Paxton

RAMBLINGS from the Rector
Dear All,
May I wish you all a very happy Harvest–time - we have had another surge of lovely weather and I have to say that this is my favourite time of year. The fields and countryside around Stambourne are at their golden best. I am also very partial to the abundant blackberries that cover the hedgerows and the apples that people bring to church to share among our congregation.
We do right to give thanks to God for the Harvest every year, and if you missed the Harvest Festival in Stambourne in September you can still come and give thanks to God on any Sunday. The harvest is a time when we meet together to share our produce with one another, but there is an opportunity every week to share greetings with your neighbours and to say thank you to God The way we share things together, and the way we give thanks is the real-
life acting out of Jesus Commandments from the gospel of Matthew.
In Matthew Ch. 22 37 Jesus
replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind.’[
] 38 This is the first
and greatest commandment. 39 And the
second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as
Have a great October and I wish you every blessing, Rev Liz Paxton
So being thankful (to God) and sharing with each other covers all the previous instructions that God gave to the people. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Until you try to live it out. Sharing our blessings with each other is a great place to start.
Another glorious tradition in October is the outing to Molly’s Wood in Sible Hedingham on October 31st at 4.30pm. Bring your children for an evening in the wood, bonfire, hot dogs and hot chocolate, games and stories. Please just let me know you intend to come.
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What affect do you think you have on the lives of others? Now that's a serious question for there is no doubt we all have an affect on the lives of those around us, sometimes for good and sometimes for not so good. And the affect of other people on our lives is dependent on two things - one, what is being said to us or done to us and two, how we react to that input.
In normal relations between people it is always desirable to make sure that the first of these is positive - we want to support, help, encourage, excite, and bring peace and joy into the lives of others. But we can see that sometimes the reaction to what we say and do is the opposite of what we expect and that is usually because we have sparked something deep within that person.
Now all these things are human ways of thinking. They are the things that we do to each other in a psychological or physical way. But we are made up
of three parts, and sometimes the affect we have on someone is spiritual. And the spiritual reaction is not something we can ever get our hands on. It is like the principle that a gardener sows a seed, but has no idea whether that seed will germinate or not. We can only provide an environment for growing! The seed itself either has the ability to grow or is dead.
Our spiritual development requires the right environment and this is one reason I am pleased that there are so many different types of churches -
churches where spiritual development can take place according to the needs of different people. I once said a cacti would hardly flourish in a rain forest and likewise the beauty of the orchid would never be seen in a desert, and yet both environments allow a plant to grow and flourish. So it is with us. We can be people who help others grow and develop in their spiritual walk according their needs, but no one church will meet the needs of all people. We have to find the place where we can grow and flourish. And this always starts with the place which is right for all. As we come before God and pray to Him we come to know that He is creator of all things and so is the right place for us all to be regardless of our human understanding.
So we all are going to affect everyone around us one way or another, but we can all know someone who can affect us all for good, for His "rivers of living water" can flow out of us into the lives of even people we find difficult, for nothing is impossible with God.
As you plant next year’s bulbs and seeds and nurture them into growth, remember God your Father who is doing the same for you. Will you be the bulb that refuses to grow? Or will God light up your life and make you flourish for Him?
Enjoy the autumn colours and God bless,
Adrian 6


th. September – 18th. October 11 am – 1 pm or 01376 550507 Spaces will be limited so that individuals get personal tuition. Depending on demand we will run more of these courses.
Thursdays, 27The Community 360 group who support charitable work in Braintree and Colchester area will be coming to run a series of four IT support sessions for the over 55's (ish). If you would like to attend please book with Caroline:
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th. October 10 am – 12 noon
Saturday 13

Samaritan's Purse Shoe Box Packing
th. October
Workshops - 10am – 4:30pm. 7pm free concert at Steeple Bumpstead Congregational Church. Let us know if you would like to go and we will coordinate buying tickets (£8 each)
th. October 6:30 pm
Saturday 20SING GOSPEL - Carey and Geraldine Luce (Latty).
Saturday 27

Film evening (“Stray”)
th. November

100 years anniversary of the end of WW1. A celebration of those who lost their lives and those who fought. Relatives of those on the Chapel memorial are invited to come an pay their respects.
st. December
Sunday 11Remembrance Service at Chapel
Saturday 1

Christmas Fayre
rd. December 10:45 am

Sunday 23Traditional Christmas Carol Service
Tuesdays: Wednesday:
Every Sunday:
Coffee Morning – 10 am - 12 noon Otago Strength and Balance Exercises - 2 pm - 3pm with tea and biscuits! Prayer meeting – 7 pm I-Tea - 11 am -1 pm Helping to get the best from your computer/ipad/smartphone individual support and help
Our Worship Service is held at 10:45 am followed by coffee 1st Sunday - Join us for a Communion Service 2nd and 3rd Sundays - Lively Worship Services sometimes with visiting preachers 4th Sunday - Service followed by Lunch together
We are starting a 10 week Bible course "Freedom in Christ" on a Tuesday afternoon - call for more details.
Adrian Burr, Minister, 01440 730211, 07983 656166, Brian Mead, Secretary, 01376 345377,
We have 20 Neighbourhood Watch stickers for wheelie bins. If you would like one please contact Vicky by text or WhatsApp on 07778 410376 and you'll be able to collect it. It's FREE !!

“Preventing Fraud – how to spot it”.
Wednesday 17th October 2018
1.30 pm – 3.30 pm Great Yeldham Reading Room, High Street, CO9 4ER
With ever increasing scams Braintree and Uttlesford Community Policing team have links with Barclays Bank and NatWest Bank who are eager to join us is getting it out there about preventing scams and what to look for.
For more information contact: Terrie Johnson PCSO 8143| Braintree & Uttlesford Community Policing Team | North Local Policing Area |Essex Police | 101 (external) 400156 (internal)
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As you are aware recently there has been an ongoing programme of repair and redecoration. A big ‘thank you’ goes to Kevin and Jan at Warren Farm who very kindly donated their unwanted kitchen units and also to Dave Young and Graham Pochin for all their hard work in taking out the old units and putting in the new ones.
In addition, we would like to thank George and Lene Knowles for their donation to help with the cost of the redecoration.
Saturday 8th. December at 7:00 pm In the Village Hall £10 adults £7 under 11s
Price includes a hot meal and Christmas pudding Please bring your own drinks and glasses
The evening will run by Breast Cancer Care and will also include the draw for the GRAND Christmas Raffle.
To book please contact Cathy 01440 785678 or Rosi 01440 785339
Come along and have fun!!
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Silver Link


Tuesday 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

An afternoon of fun activities with a friendly group. Includes tea and cake. Outings during summer months.
“Let’s Get Started” Fitness Class Weekly

Tuesday 6:00 pm
A new fitness class designed for beginners. The class can be done seated or standing, so perfect for those who are new to exercise, with reduced mobility or recovering from injury.
Stambourne K9 Training Weekly Tuesday 7:00 pm
For further information contact Peter 07889 121 148
Stambourne Ladies’ Group Monthly Wednesday 7:30 pm
Call Annabel 01440 785809 or Vicky 01440 785528
Support your Village Hall
Anybody interested in starting their own club please contact Cathy 01440 785678 or Rosi 01440 785339
Note: There is a Table Tennis table available if anyone would like to use it.
The Village Hall is available for hire both by the residents of Stambourne and those who live outside the village. It is a good sized hall and ideal for parties, meetings, clubs, groups, family gatherings etc.
Stambourne Residents £20 for 4 hours then £5 per hour Non-residents £30 for 4 hours then £7.50 per hour
Having a party at home? Available for hire: Table £2 Plastic seat chair 50p
Please contact Rosi Horton 01440 785339 for all booking enquiries.
In the interests of safety overnight parking is not allowed at the Village Hall without permission.

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nd. October
Time: Where: Cost:
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th. October
2 - 4 pm Village Hall £2 Bring small Raffle Prize
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th. October
2 - 4 pm Village Hall £2 Bring small Raffle Prize
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th. November
1:30 – 4 pm Scotsdales

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th. November
2 - 4 pm Village Hall £2 Bring small Raffle Prize
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2 - 4 pm
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th. December

th. January
Village Hall £2 Bring small Raffle Prize
1112 – 3 pm

Christmas Dinner
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nd. January

2 - 4 pm Village Hall £2 Bring small Raffle Prize
222 - 4 pm Village Hall £2 Bring small Raffle Prize
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LOCAL SERVICES DIRECTORYBraintree Working from home? Want free advertising?
Join our Local Services Directory
If you offer a local service: cleaning, plumbing, gardening, fencing, babysitting, electrical work, odd jobs, dog walking, cake making, hairdressing, IT support, in fact anything that might be useful to people in the village, then please contact me with your name, a list of the services you offer and your contact details and I will include them in a leaflet to be distributed to everyone in Stambourne. Deadline for inclusion is the 15th November. Contact me by email (best): or by text/telephone 07815 715290. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
The next newsletter will be October / November. Please send any contributions for this publication to Karen Crago at or drop them in the post box at Tagley Farm, Finchingfield Road by Friday 23rd. November please.