Stambourne Newsletter: April / May 2020

Digital version of the April-May 2020 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 256


The latest meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 12th March 2020 at 7.30pm in the village hall, Stambourne. Since this meeting Covid-19 has taken hold and had an impact on all of us in many ways. I know that many of you are offering help and it is lovely to know that the support is out there already especially on social media. However, I know not everyone uses social media so please see the note below which has some names and contact points.
We hope you all stay safe and well.

Back to the meeting:


We have been successful in obtaining a £500 Councillors’ Community Grant to help pay for improved disabled access to the Pavilion. Quotes are now being sourced for the work and it is hoped work can take place in the spring/early summer when the ground has dried out.

Thank you to Cllr van Dulken for supporting us with this grant application.

We have also been successful in obtaining a CIF micro-grant for £339.00 which is to replace the fridge and freezer in the Pavilion kitchen. We have a good number of bookings for the Pavilion throughout the year. If you wish to book it for an event please contact me.


There are a number of potholes which have appeared, probably mostly due to the very wet winter. They can be reported via the Essex County Council website It is always useful to include photos. County Broadband road closures are causing some disruption but hopefully work will be completed soon.

Next meeting dates are:-
Thursday, 21st May 2020 (AGM and APA)
Thursday, 23rd July 2020
Thursday, 17th September 2020
Thursday, 19th November 2020

However, it is possible these will be impacted by Covid-19. The situation is constantly changing and we will do our best to keep you advised.

As ever full minutes can be found on the village website

Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629


Coronavirus - Wash your hands more often for 20 seconds

We wanted to let you know that there are some people you can call on if you need any help or support. There is a village Facebook group “Stambourne Village” and a WhatsApp group “Stambourne Chat”.

If you’d like to join the WhatsApp Chat group please contact Erica on 07944 916644

However, we realise not everyone is on social media so if you have been advised to self- isolate and need any help there are a group of neighbours who want to make sure anyone vulnerable does not feel too alone. We live in a small community and will pull together to help each other out as required.

Local contacts are:
Debbie Hilliard — 01440 785629
Neil Pyman — 01440 785709
Val Kerrison — 01440 785752

If you are online then the latest updates on government and NHS guidelines can be found at: and


As I am sure you are aware all public worship has been suspended with effect from 17th March and unfortunately the Church has now had to be closed. I do have copies of a prayer sheet for worship in isolation. If anyone would like a copy for themselves or if you know of anyone that may find this a help, please phone and /or leave a message on any of the numbers below and I will pop one in your letterbox. Likewise, if anyone wants a chat on the phone or needs shopping please contact me and I will help as much as I can.

Stambourne Church

When Church services recommence they will be displayed on the Church noticeboard.

We pray for strength throughout this difficult time, that we all stay safe and that we can meet together in Church again soon.

Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362


At the time of writing, one of the biggest current news topics is the spread of the COVID-19 virus, a highly infectious form of coronavirus. I am sure you are following developments on the news.

The threat posed by the virus in this country has been deemed ‘moderate’, and there is good advice available on how we can help to protect ourselves and our communities. The Church of England has issued its own guidance to parishes on how to respond which we are following across our churches and we will continue to follow government and Church of England advice. As I’ve followed the development of this story, I’ve been struck by how events like this make the world seem very small. Events which start off half a world away and seem very remote, can in a very short space of time draw close to home. Travel to exotic places is so much easier and more common than it used to be. We return home with memories to cherish and expanded horizons – but it’s easy for us to bring less desirable mementos too.

The 17th century poet and priest John Donne famously wrote, ‘No man is an island.’ Sometimes we forget just how connected we are. We need to be sensible and take the public health advice offered (and with due regard to our own vulnerabilities), without becoming unduly anxious. This current outbreak reminds us of our common humanity, irrespective of national borders, economic or social status, or anything else that usually divides us. St Paul describes the church as ‘the body of Christ’ – one body, made of many parts, or members. He says, If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together with it (1 Cor. 12.26). The same could be said of our world: if part of it suffers, we are all affected. Let’s not fear unnecessarily – but let’s all play our part in seeking the health and wellbeing of everyone.

However we recognise that it is not possible for us all to meet at this time and we are working towards delivering Sunday Services via YouTube and we hope you will join us. Look for the link on the village page as soon as it is available. The church of St Peter and St Thomas will remain open for your private prayers at this time. Do go and spend some quiet time with God, from whom you do not need to ‘keep your distance’.

I have produced a prayer leaflet for those who may be self-isolating so if you would like to receive one of those please email me and I will send you one. On the other hand, if you would just like a chat and are feeling lonely please do give me a call. Both myself and many of the other people in our church would love to chat to you by phone on a regular basis during this time when we need to be exceptionally good neighbours.


Rev. Liz Paxton, Rector

The Benefice of the Hedinghams and Upper Colne
07932 160 594 or 01787 277 270


News from the Chapel

We wake up to another morning of more announcements of the progress of COVID-19 and what the government is doing to support all who are affected by this pandemic. There seems an air of gloom and doom everywhere and yet people are panic buying. Stocking up on 3 months’ worth of food and hygiene products is worthless if we are all going to survive this.

It was saddening to see a nurse who having completed a 48 hour shift couldn’t walk into a supermarket to buy essentials for her evening meal! What can we do about it? An offer from one person at the Chapel is to do their shopping for them and take the food to their houses when they get home! We, as Chapel, are continuing to do whatever we can. Stopping Sunday services doesn’t mean stopping being church! Our services now take in a different form.

As many don’t have internet we are printing out the service, including the message, and delivering it to all who normally attend and inviting them to read this script either individually or in small groups in their own homes at the time when we would normally be in church.

We are telephoning each other and our neighbours and friends, we are offering to do shopping and collection of prescriptions, we are offering hope and encouragement through music and words. Above all we are praying and the chapel will be open for prayer as often as we can – if you see the board outside then it is open and safe – it is kept cleaned and wiped down, and there is no chance of sitting near anyone. There are prayer guidelines that will be changed regularly and candles that can be lit.

For us today we have a choice to make. Do we die with a pile of toilet rolls in our house and enough food to feed an army, or do we die with love in our hearts for those around us, trusting God to provide for our needs and putting aside our own desires.

I know many will say that dying is not on their agenda, but we are all known by what we do. Are we spending our new found free time in our gardens, working on our houses, our cars, or, like those in the windows in China and Italy sharing encouragement for those in the front line, sharing love for one another, and putting aside our own needs for the needs of others?

Stambourne Chapel

Jesus had nowhere to stay. He didn’t own a home or a means of transport, any books or possessions, and yet He is the most famous person in history! His life was full of love for others to the extent that He even laid down His life for all people – which is why we celebrate Easter.

No chocolate bunnies and eggs, no cards and flowers (though I enjoy all of these with the everyone else!), but a celebration of New Life in Jesus who died to set us free!

We will be celebrating Easter as usual, but in our own homes!!

For this is the most important season for those who believe. It is the day when Jesus gave up His life to save each one of us and then rose from the dead to show us the hope we have of eternal life. What Hope! What Joy! What Peace! That is Easter!

We pray that we can all take our part in encouraging one another, particularly those who suffer from depression and anxiety. That we can support our neighbours and cry for help as life gets tougher. We pray for those working in the NHS and in front line services in this battle against COVID-19. Give them the strength to keep up the hard work they are doing and provide for them in their own needs. We pray for people facing uncertain futures in their work life, the security of their own homes, and finances. We pray for all who offer loving care…

Every blessing,

Adrian Burr, Minister


Monday, Wednesday and Friday — 2 – 4pm Chapel open for prayer.
All other meetings are cancelled until further notice.

If you would like to take part in the Sunday services please let me know and we will send round the service sheets by email or as printed copy. If you know of anyone who needs help, shopping, fetching prescriptions or just a friendly chat, do call. We thank everyone who has volunteered in the village and is willing to help and can make sure anyone calling gets quick response. If you would like to contribute or take part in supporting those who are self-isolating, those distancing themselves, and those who are vulnerable then please let us know. We want to say a big thank you to all who are putting themselves at risk on the front line of this pandemic.

Adrian Burr, Minister,, 07983 656 166
Margaret Mead, Secretary & prayer request,, 07561 283 587
Jill Holmes, Project Lead & Stambourne Chapel Care, stambournechapelcare@gmail.com07883 423 528

Find us on Facebook: Stambourne Chapel or Stambourne Chapel Care

Stambourne Ladies Group

Please remember we have a great SLG network through email and WhatsApp should you need help with anything, be it suet for your dumplings or bicarbonate for your soda bread, one of us will have it so just ask!

We’ve all paid our subs and have nowhere to go and it looks as if we will not be meeting face-to-face for quite a while.

To help everyone through this difficult time Sharon’s been doing some digging and here’s a list of local goods that the smaller businesses are WILLING TO DELIVER TO OUR DOOR and it will help them to survive too:

Stambourne Ladies Group

Some ideas of things you can do indoors. We know a lot are obvious but sometimes we need to be reminded! To start with sort and write on those photos you’ve been meaning to organise, write a letter to a friend or neighbour, knit for a good cause (see for ideas), start a diary, tidy your cupboards or your shed. Make a list and get that feeling of achievement when you start to cross things of. It’s great to know the scarecrow competition is going ahead! Make do and mend, be creative and go for it!


Village Hall

All regular activities in the Village Hall have been suspended. However, the hall is not shut so if you wish to book please call Rosi Horton on 01440 785 339 or email

Stambourne Village Hall

Silver Link Club

Silver Link is postponed until further notice.

Silver Link Club

Scarecrow competition

The scarecrow competition will go ahead. Exhibits to be war themed. Entry is free.

All scarecrows are to be on display by Thursday, 7th May and will be judged over the weekend.

Channel your fighting spirit and test your ingenuity by making them with what you already have around the house!

VE Day 2020

Stambourne and Ridgewell Village Market

Our first market held on Saturday 14th March went well; a bit quieter than we would have hoped but thank you to all that ventured out.

There were eight stall holders:

Mo’s Preserves, Sheila’s Cushions, Angela’s Cards, Karen’s Crafts, Carla’s Soaps and Scrubs, Spotty Cat Ceramics, Bardfield Kitchen Meats “Pork” and Ozes CDP.

Our next market was planned for Saturday 18th April but due to the present situation we have had to postpone until further notice. Please support your local markets — watch this space:

We will be back!!

Stambourne Village sign
Ridgewell Village sign

Homemade deliveries

OZES are offering a made to order range of homemade pies, pasties, plaits, flans, pastries and cakes for home delivery to your door. Please order by / on Wednesdays of each week. Orders will be delivered on Fridays / Saturdays. Please note I will endeavour to fulfil all orders as long as I am able to source ingredients.

All the best, stay safe, Zoe
Contact: Tel: 01440 785 778 or call / text 07740 723 057


Art group

CreativeArt Group Come and join us for creative mornings with art guidance by a local contemporary.

It is business as usual at the Art Group but via WhatsApp every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month between 10am – 12pm!

For more information on how to get involved contact Kirsten 07469 237 330 or Heather 07800 915 346

Creative Art Group

Garden bonfires

As people spend more time at home, and as the weather improves in their gardens, can everyone please be responsible regarding bonfires. Please consider the wind strength, direction and the effect on neighbours (who will also be trying to enjoy their gardens or dry their washing) before lighting. Thank you.

Coronavirus information

Coronavirus information


If you feel able please consider contacting your neighbours using the form below. Just cut it out, fill in your details and put through their letter box:

Coronavirus HELP
Hello! If you are self-isolating, I can help.

ALSO REMEMBER — If YOU need anything reach out through one of the many routes mentioned in this newsletter – there is no need to struggle through this crisis alone.


Stambourne Newsletter

Ideas and contributions for the next newsletter to Karen Crago at or the post box at Tagley Farm by Wednesday, 27th May 2020.

Thank you.

Stambourne Newsletter

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF

This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:

Buy us a coffee! ☕

Support the Stambourne Village website

For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee

Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!

Click here for other ways to support the Stambourne website »

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