Stambourne Newsletter: April / May 2021

Digital version of the April-May 2021 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 261


The latest meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday, 18th March 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom. Essex County Councillor David Finch and one member of the public were present.

Cllr Finch has announced that he will be stepping down as County Councillor at the elections in May. We wish him a long and happy retirement.


The Pavilion remains closed during the pandemic but we look forward to opening it for use as soon as permitted.

Playing Field

The play equipment had its annual inspection with some minor works needed which will be carried out as soon as possible. The lawnmower has been repaired and it is ready to start grass cutting. The picnic tables have been well used and we are looking to replace one of the older ones, ready to use for the summer.


As we mentioned in the last newsletter there have been concerns raised about the speed of traffic through the village. We can apply to Braintree Local Highways Panel for some traffic calming measures but only if there is evidence from the local community. If you want to support this you can contact me with any evidence or letters of support, email is fine.


The paths continue to be well used. I am pleased to report that the bridge on footpath 2, Wesley End Road, has now been repaired and the footpath fingerpost signs which had fallen over have been reinstated.


There were 2 applications to consider.

The next meeting will take place on 20th May 2021 at 7.30pm.

Full minutes are available on the village website:

Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629


On Thursday, 6th May 2021 residents in the Braintree District will go to the polls to have their say on who represents them at Essex County Council and who the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex will be.

Andy Wright, Electoral Registration Officer for Braintree District Council, said: “Polling stations will be safe places to vote in May and voters can expect to see many of the measures we’ve all become used to over recent months such as hand sanitiser, floor markings and face coverings.

However, there are other ways residents can vote including by post. If residents wish to vote by post they should request this as soon as possible.

Be a voter

Registering for a postal vote is quick and easy and can be done online. No matter how you choose to cast your vote in May, we are working hard so you can do so safely.”

Any residents who have any questions can contact the local elections team at Braintree District Council on 01376 552 525 or visit the council website to find out more about postal or proxy voting:

Braintree District Council logo


News from the Chapel

By the time you read this Easter will probably have come and gone – I do hope you had a lovely time. Our politicians have been busy – you can see the whole of the Easter story read by Christians in Politics from both houses of parliament on YouTube – A Renewed Hope: Parliamentarians tell the Easter story (you can watch after Easter!!).

It has been lovely meeting people virtually through this pandemic and helping through the difficult times we have been through. We hope we can brighten this spring with our Plant Swap and Sale! The plant lists should be available last week in April and we will be delivering in early May. Let me know if you would like a list (or message me on WhatsApp)!

Tulips for sale in Stambourne

We will be raising money for the charities that we support – UKAid people in Ukraine affected by Chernobyl and BGM, India who provide education and support for children and families in rural central India, and our building project which aims to provide accessible toilets at the front of the Chapel.

Stambourne Care

Over the last few months we have got “Stambourne Care” up and running, where we provide support to you or someone you know: advocacy, befriending, advice, signposting to other agencies, shopping, collecting prescriptions, etc. These are just some of the things we can do. If you have an unmet need then please get in contact and we will aim to help. Also if you would like to volunteer with us then please contact us. We work in the wider area that the Chapel covers – anywhere from Braintree and Halstead to Haverhill. Just let us know if you know anyone who could do with some support.

While we are not back at Chapel yet on Sunday mornings, we aim to start meeting again soon and look forward to meeting up with everyone. We still provide the Sunday services by email or on a service sheet and for the foreseeable future will be doing that. If you would like a copy please let us know! You can also find us as Stambourne Chapel on YouTube and Facebook!

So we look forward to meeting up again with a renewed hope that things will get better!

Every blessing,

Adrian Burr, Minister

Adrian Burr, Minister,, 07983 656 166
Margaret Mead, Secretary & prayer request,, 07561 283 587
Jill Holmes, Project Lead & Stambourne Chapel Care, stambournechapelcare@gmail.com07883 423 528

Find us on Facebook: Stambourne Chapel or Stambourne Chapel Care


Every week day
Zoom prayer meeting at 8.30am. Come join us or let us know what you would like prayer for. Contact us for zoom details.

Sunday Services
By email or printed sheet – contact to receive – see YouTube and Facebook for information and weekly news.

Tuesdays and Thursdays
10-12am Church open for individual prayer and support. Call to book a slot.

Move it or Lose it exercises on Zoom – contact us for details.

7pm Prayer and social meeting.

Stambourne Chapel plant swap and sale

Plant swap and sale

List what you have to sell by 24th April 2021.

These will be distributed in early May.

1928 – 2021
June and family would like to thank everyone who sent cards and took time to offer their respects and support on the day of Walter’s funeral and subsequently, as well as for their generous donations to the Chapel.


Whilst preparing my contribution for the newsletter the sun is shining through the window and this really makes me feel that Spring is here and we have a lot to look forward to.

We have the slow move out of lockdown and the first Church service, since lockdown, on Easter Sunday in Stambourne Church. Yes, the Easter Sunday service is Holy Communion with Rev. Chris at 9.30am.

It will be a shortened service, no singing (organ playing only), social distancing in the Church, masks to be worn and no socialising before or after the service. However, to have a service on such an important day in the Church calendar is very welcoming news.

From then on we will revert back to our two services a month, that being Morning Prayer on the 1st Sunday of the month and Holy Communion on the 2nd Sunday of the month, both at 9.30am.

On a sadder note there has been two funeral services with burial in the Churchyard in the last two months: Richard Day and Mary Rawlinson.

Stambourne Church


Unfortunately, with the passing of Richard, and Ian and Heather moving from the Village, our PCC (Parochial Church Council) has become very small in numbers.

The few of us remaining do a wonderful job but we really could do with more help in many aspects of the Church.

If becoming a part of the PCC, helping with social/fund raising events, flower arranging or just coming along on a Sunday morning to a service is something you feel you can do to support the Church please give me a call or email to the details below.

I am also open to any other offers of help that are not mentioned.

Rector’s ramblings

Easter is all about hope and I really want to find some hopeful words to share with you all. The trouble is, that where I am, it is still March and I am not feeling very hopeful, I am still waiting for the sunshine, the rule changes and the end of lockdown. It is fair to say that any novelty that was to be found in lockdown has long since worn away and we are in the final stages of utter relentless boredom in our so-called social lives. Even the emergence of Spring flowers earlier in March has abated given how windy, cold and rainy March has been (or is it just me)?

The wonderful thing about the church calendar is that it provides for us when we can’t provide for ourselves. Whether at church or at home, Easter comes and with it the joy of the resurrection and new hope. Hope for a fresh start and a new beginning, hope that God is eternal, and that new life comes to all who ask.

Easter finds us not quite fully in the joy of freedom of movement and relaxed rules, but still in the midst of gradual relaxations and slow moves back to normality. But this is really OK, because it is here in the hardest moments that hope does its best work. Hope is like a small bud trying to break through the soil amidst the gravel and rocks, it can be stamped on, crushed and diminished but shine a light for a moment and it springs up anew. When we lift our eyes and look around, we see the flower unexpectedly in a corner and we can see our way forward from where we are now.

The last year of lockdown has been heart breaking for many, and yet the reality of loved ones who have died may be felt more keenly as we are out and about noticing the gaps left in our lives. For those suffering with long Covid, the disease casts a long shadow, blotting out the sun, hiding the hope. But if despair is the pain of knowing that tomorrow will be exactly the same as today then hope is the relief of believing that maybe tomorrow will be different.

As we emerge slowly from this crisis, we must be people of hope, who dream of a better tomorrow, who cry out for justice and mercy and who know that whatever today feels like, God is with us tomorrow, with forgiveness, joy and peace. I hope to see many of you in church on Easter Day morning (4th April).


Rev. Liz Paxton, Rector

The Benefice of the Hedinghams and Upper Colne
07932 160 594 or 01787 277 270

Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

1928 – 2021
I would like to thank the many people in the village who sent cards and offered their condolences when Mary passed away. Thank you also to those who stood in the churchyard and braved the strong winds to pay their respects on the day of the funeral. It was much appreciated.


4th April9.30amEASTER SUNDAY
Holy Communion
Rev. Chris Elliot
11th April9.30amMorning PrayerDave Brown
2nd May9.30amMorning PrayerDave Brown
9th May9.30amHoly CommunionRev. Liz Paxton

Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362


Village Hall Committee

Braintree Council kindly agreed a grant to help keep our Village Hall up and running during the pandemic and we have been busy behind the scenes. We have:

  • Finished painting inside.
  • We will be having the damp looked at and fixed at the front.
  • County Broadband have fitted Wi-Fi free of charge and it will be available for clients who hire the Village Hall.
  • We have managed to secure two indoor bowling mats from Ipswich Bowls Club and they will be delivered as soon as allowed. So get your indoor bowls polished ready for when we can open up again!!

If anyone can think of a club that they would like to start (arts and crafts, a social meet once a week, indoor table tennis, etc.) please contact any member of the Village Hall Committee.

Stambourne Village Hall

Stambourne Ladies Group

We hope to be meeting up again soon so look out for WhatsApp/email/text messages.

Please contact Vicky (07778 410376) or Lorna (07980 922636) if you’d like more info about SLG.

We’d love to chat or to bring you along to our next get together.

Stambourne Ladies Group

Broadband survey

Whether your broadband is super speedy or ridiculously slow, SuperfastEssex is calling for Essex residents and businesses to complete the Essex County Council Broadband Survey. Running from 18th March – 18th April, this survey will give you the chance to register your demand for faster broadband.

Find out more here:

Essex County Council Broadband Survey

Dog waste bins

Residents with dogs are reminded that there are strategically placed dog waste bins around the village. Please use these to dispose of your dog waste bags. If there is no bin near please take it home. Please do not leave poo on the footpaths or verges around the village to cause a hazard to other walkers.

Dog waste bin

Stambourne Newsletter

Ideas and contributions for the next newsletter to Karen Crago at or the post box at Tagley Farm by Thursday, 27th May 2021.

Thank you.

Stambourne Newsletter

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF

This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:

Buy us a coffee! ☕

Support the Stambourne Village website

For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee

Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!

Click here for other ways to support the Stambourne website »

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