Digital version of the April-May 2022 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 267
In this issue:
The latest meeting of the parish council took place on 31 March 2022 in the village hall. We were pleased to welcome Braintree District Councillor Richard van Dulken and a representative of the Wethersfield Airfield Scrutiny Committee (WASC).

The pavilion is now looking extremely smart. A new floor has been installed and the main hall has been repainted. To book the pavilion please contact me (details below).
Playing Field
The play equipment has had its annual safety inspection. Please note that dogs are not permitted on the playing field.
Highways and footpaths
We continue to monitor the paths and highways. Any issues can be reported direct to Essex County Council on and follow the links or send details to the parish council (photos are always very helpful) to report in
Wethersfield Airfield
You may be aware of the proposal to build a large prison on the airfield at Wethersfield. A presentation was made at this meeting by a representative of the Wethersfield Airfield Scrutiny Committee (WASC). If you have any views on this proposal please send them to me (email address below). We would like to know your views.
Parish Council Meeting Dates 2022
• 19th May 2022
• 21st July 2022
• 22nd September 2022
• 23rd November 2022 (Wednesday)
All are Thursdays at 7.30pm in the Village Hall unless shown otherwise.
More details may be found here »
Full minutes are available on the village website:
Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629
If you would like to see the Pavilion, there is an open afternoon on Saturday, 16th April 2022 between 1pm and 3pm with tea, coffee and cakes available, and a raffle to raise money for the Essex Air Ambulance.
Please come along!

We welcomed Finlay Onslow and his family & friends to our Church on 3rd April 2022 for his Baptism. It was so nice to see so many supporting him on this special occasion.
As most of you are aware Stambourne will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on the first day of the four days of celebrations, which is Thursday, 2nd June 2002.
The Church would like to participate in the Celebrations by holding a display of flower arrangements that are arranged by Stambourne residents and either brought along to the Church on Wednesday, 1st June or can be arranged inside the Church on the same day.
Please use your own containers/vase. Any type of flowers and/or greenery would be great to see in any shape or size. For the under 12’s, as well as entering an arrangement or display as above, there will also be a painting/drawing competition relating to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

There will be a prize for the best arrangement/display for adults and under 12’s. And a further prize for the best under 12’s painting & drawing. The results will be announced at 6pm on the 2nd June & will be judged on “interpretation” of the Platinum Jubilee.
Please do have a go!!!
Date | Time | Service | |
1st May | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Dave Brown |
8th May | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Liz & Rev. Caroline |
5th June | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Dave Brown |
12th June | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Liz & Rev. Caroline |
3rd July | 10.30am | Morning Prayer | Dave Brown |
10th July | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Caroline |
Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362
Eggs, eggs, eggs!
What an enormous number of chocolate eggs must have been sold, bought and eaten during the Easter season.
The shops have been full off them since Christmas! There are chocolate bunnies and chickens available but above all it is chocolate eggs of every size and appearance that we associate with Easter.
But why do we have Easter eggs? What are Christians celebrating at Easter?
We celebrate the wonderful resurrection of Jesus. He died on the cross on the first Good Friday and was buried in a cave in a nearby garden with a large boulder rolled across the entrance.
The following Sunday, Easter Sunday, the boulder was found rolled away and the cave was empty because Jesus was no longer dead. Filled with new and endless life, he had burst out of the cave with a fullness of life that is his forever.
For many centuries, the chicken bursting out of its shell, a new life making a sudden appearance, has been seen as a good symbol of Christ who burst from the cave on Easter Day.

The giving of eggs has seemed to be a good way of remembering what Easter is about. We discover our own new life in Jesus, which he shares with his disciples in every age. A time of joy and celebration. Alleluia. He is risen!
A joyful and happy Easter to you all!
Rev. Liz Paxton, Rector
The Benefice of the Hedinghams and Upper Colne
07932 160 594 or 01787 277 270
News from the Chapel

First we would like to say a big thank you to all in Stambourne who contributed to the Ukraine appeal.
We have taken four car loads of toiletries and hygiene items to UK-Aid Felsted who have already delivered three lorry loads to Moldova, where they have been distributed among refugees and those still in Ukraine.
All the clothes and blankets, sleeping bags and coats gloves etc, as well as the soap and any food stuff (that is dried or canned food that doesn’t need a tin opener) is being sent to Barnabas Fund and the Food.Gives organisation that sends these items directly to Ukraine or to churches in Romania where they can send loads across into Ukraine regularly.
All these items will be collected from Stambourne in the week beginning 19th April 2022 and then again probably in July.
If you would like to donate come to the Chapel on one of the days we are open – see below.
We know that all these items plus the funds collected (£545 at end of March) will be of great help to the people who are suffering so much in this war.

And at Easter we remember our Lord who suffered, not because He had done anything wrong, but because the leaders of the country He lived in didn’t agree with what He was saying. If this teaches us anything it says that we need to be tolerant of each other’s views, that we need to show love toward each other even when we don’t agree.
War isn’t the answer any more than argument and disagreement is not the answer to local issues. Open minded discussion is always helpful.
But Jesus’s death had much wider implications for it was for all people who had lived, were living, and would live in the future that He died that we might all be forgiven. It was because we don’t measure up to the standards of a loving God, however good we think we are.
And so as we approach Easter, with all its Spring trappings of chocolate, bunnies and eggs, we can remember that Easter was initiated at the Jewish festival of Passover and represents the freedom of new life that only Jesus can bring.
We pray for the people of Ukraine, that they can settle into a new life, now the old has been taken from them.
We pray that we can continue to support them and help them in whatever small ways we can.
And we pray for all who have been injured, lost loved ones, or are suffering from the trauma of the last few weeks.
May God bless them.
Day | Activity |
Sunday | Sunday Services 10.45am in the Chapel. but if you can’t come and would like a printed version we will be happy to deliver or email a copy each week. |
Tuesday & Thursday | Coffee morning 10am – 12pm. The Chapel is open for a chat and coffee and for a time of private chat and for prayer. |
Wednesday | Wednesday Club 10am – 2.30pm. For people with learning disabilities. |
Date | Activity |
Good Friday | Good Friday Service We have our Good Friday Service at 6.30pm which will include Communion using elements of Passover. |
Saturday, 30th April | Sponsored Cycle Ride/Walk/Run at Notley Park. |
Saturday, 28th May | Annual Plant Swap and Sale |
This charitable organisation continues to be in demand for the services we provide which include support for people who are going through life changing circumstances. We have six volunteers serving around 40 people and continue to be challenged by the need to fund the project. We have been nominated to receive an award from the Congregational Insurance and from Provide. We have also been selected as one of the three charities to receive a Tesco Community Grant. So if you are shopping in Haverhill Tesco please remember to collect your blue token and place in our section.
The Wednesday Club gives respite to carers by giving space for those being cared for to come and work at the Chapel for a few hours and we have spent time planting a wild flower area in the church yard, packing and sorting boxes for the Ukraine appeal, and making the posies for Mother’s Day. We have also visited the Museum of Power near Maldon – a highly recommended place to visit!
We are always looking for volunteers and have a range of roles so if you would like to volunteer please get in touch and I’m sure we can find something for you.
Adrian Burr, Minister,,
07983 656 166
Margaret Mead, Secretary & prayer request,,
07561 283 587
Jill Holmes, Project Lead & Stambourne Chapel Care,, 07883 423 528
Find us on Facebook: Stambourne Chapel or Stambourne Chapel Care
The story of Stambourne, from Saxon times to 1995, was researched by Dr John Enticknap and his three sons, who lived in Wesley End for many years. Much of this is on the website.
This is now being updated and edited, and will be available in book form later this year.
If anyone has any information about important events in the village during the period 1995 to the present, or historical information which is not on the website, particularly photographs and descriptions of historic buildings, please contact David Waller on 01440 785484,
Thank you.

We’re back — save these dates!
If you’d like to know more than please see the Stambourne Ladies Group section or contact Vicky on 07908 099 904 or Lorna on 07980 922 636.
Meet Shelley »
- 20th April 2022 – 7pm for 7.30pm at the Stambourne Village Hall
- Meet Shelley Hull with an uplifting story about facial disfigurement
- Bring friends (nominal charge for non-members)
Buffet provided courtesy of SLG.
Knit & Natter Club »
- Starts 21th April 2022 – 5pm – 7pm at the The Plough, The Street, Birdbrook CO9 4BJ
- Get crafty with knitting, crochet, embroidery, sewing, quilting and more!
- Bring along your projects, share ideas and tips, get inspired or just come for a chat. Everyone welcome!
Create a floral work of art »
- 11th May 2022 – 7pm for 7.30pm at the Stambourne Village Hall
- Learn how to create a floral work of art to take home!
Buffet provided courtesy of SLG.
Art with Kirsten »
- 8th June 2022 – 7pm for 7.30pm at the Stambourne Village Hall
Buffet provided courtesy of SLG.
Fish and chips supper »
- 13th July 2022 – 6pm for 6.30pm at The Pavilion
- Fish and chip supper, guests welcome
- Bring your own drinks
Life and Death in a Victorian Gaol »
- 10th August 2022 – 7pm for 7.30pm at The Village Hall
- Open to all. £3 for non-members
Buffet provided courtesy of SLG.
Village Hall available for hire »
Hiring Fees, including heating and electricity::
- For residents: £8 per hour
- For non-residents: £10 per hour
To hire the Hall, ring Rosemary on 01440 785 339. More info »
Women’s workout »
Low impact, women’s only fitness class, improving strength, flexibility, balance and core. Suitable for any ages and ability, exercise seated or standing.
- This friendly group meets every Tuesday at 6pm at the Stambourne Village Hall (please book in advance).
- For more information, contact Lara on 07471 105 210.
Bingo »
- This is fortnightly on Wednesdays at 6.30pm. Bring your tipple!
- Look out for signs to confirm dates.
Silver Link Club »
- Stambourne Chapel from 2pm to 4pm every two weeks.
- Dates for next meetings: 26th May 2022, then every 2 weeks.
- For more information, contact Vanessa on 01440 785 122 or Lois on 01440 578 720. We love to welcome new members.
60s music by Reflections »
- Saturday, 16th July 2022
- More information to follow!
Support for Ukraine
In addition to local village initiatives, a Facebook page telling people across Essex how they can support the people of Ukraine has been set up after the County Council was inundated with offers of help from residents and businesses. The page, ‘Essex is United for Ukraine’, provides details for the organisations across Essex who are supporting humanitarian efforts through donations and fund-raising, linking them up with residents who want to help.
Advance notice of road closure
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of Queen Street, Potter Street, Sible Hedingham CP
Please check the following link: to find details of the intended closure of Queen Street, Potter Street, due to commence on 15th May 2022 for 1 day. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while Anglian Water undertakes new connection.
Brownies and Guides
Does your daughter love to try new things? Get her in the great outdoors this summer to run, craft and skip her way through exciting activities with Brownies, for girls aged 7-10.
Or, for older girls, Guides have an exciting and varied programme designed to inspire and challenge girls aged 10-14.
Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK, giving them a space where they can be themselves, have fun, build brilliant friendships, gain valuable life skills and make a positive difference to their lives and their communities.
Each week at meetings (term time only) the girls get to work on badges, learn and develop new skills, try different hobbies, play games and see friends. They also get to try adventurous activities and go along to special events, trips, camps and sleepovers.
For more information or to register your daughter, please contact:
Great Yeldham Brownies: Kaaren Berry on 01787 238217
Great Yeldham Guides: Corrie Rutter on 01787 237689

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Thursday, 2 June 2022 – from 3pm
Come and join everyone on the Playing Field for a fun family afternoon to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
There will be tea and cakes, quiz, live music and a barbecue.
It will finish with the lighting of the beacon at 9pm.

Stambourne Newsletter
Ideas and contributions for the next newsletter to Karen Crago at or the post box at Tagley Farm by Friday, 27th May 2022.
In the meantime you can find up to date local news on and on Facebook.
Thank you.

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF
This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:
Buy us a coffee! ☕

For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee ☕
Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!
Click here for other ways to support the Stambourne website »
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