Digital version of the April-May 2024 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 279
The latest Stambourne Newsletter is now available. Read all about the Parish Council, news from Stambourne Chapel and Stambourne Church, activities in Stambourne and more.
Stambourne newsletter April-May 2024
In this issue:
Stambourne newsletter April-May 2024
The latest meeting of 2024 of the Parish Council took place on Thursday, 14th March 2024 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.
Playing Field

The Playing Field is looking in good order despite the very wet winter. It has been decided to install additional mesh matting to the vehicle access point as soon as weather permits.
As you are no doubt aware the number of potholes on our roads, both locally and further afield are a constant problem. We continue to report them.
Highway issues can be reported in using the Essex County Council website – and follow the links. Drive safely everyone!
Our Vehicular Activated Signs (VAS) sign is now in Church Road and does seem to be having an impact on traffic speed. It will be regularly moved to different locations in the village.
There were 2 applications for consideration at the meeting:
- Application Number 24/00330/FUL – Land Adjacent, 1 Church Road, Stambourne
- Application Number 24/00285/HH – Hill Top House, Dyers End, Stambourne
Parish Council Meeting Dates 2024
• 16th May 2024 (AGM and Annual Parish Assembly)
• 18th July 2024
• 19th September 2024
• 21st November 2024
All are Thursdays at 7.30pm in the Village Hall unless shown otherwise.
More details may be found here »
Full minutes are available here:
Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629
IMPORTANT NOTICE — Grey bin collections
Braintree District Council have notified that from April ONLY black bins with closed lids will be collected. Excess waste (i.e. additional bags alongside the bins) will NOT be collected.
Braintree District Council consider that a 180 litre bin is big enough for a family of up to four people, if you separate out all your recyclable waste. You may qualify for a larger or additional bin if:
- you have a larger family
- you have one or more members in disposable nappies or incontinence pads
- you have a household member who has a medical condition that generates significant
- additional waste.
- none of the above guarantees that you will be allocated more capacity.

There is no charge for larger or additional bins and if needed you can apply on the BDC website or search “request for a larger bin”.
Stambourne newsletter April-May 2024
The Annual General Meeting of the Parochial Church Council is on Tuesday, 30th April at 7pm in the Church. We are always looking for new members for the PCC so if you are interested in joining please contact me for further information or likewise if you can offer any help at all, please get in touch.
Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362
Stambourne newsletter April-May 2024
Date | Time | Service | |
7th April | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Malcolm Buckland |
14th April | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Justin Tomkins |
5th May | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Tia Stickland |
12th May | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Justin Tomkins |
2nd June | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Malcolm Buckland |
9th June | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Justin Tomkins |
Stambourne newsletter April-May 2024
News from the Chapel
At the end of March we celebrated the 100th birthday of one of our active and regular members of the congregation!
Obviously Chapel reaches parts that other things cannot reach! Which raises a thought – we all have our beliefs even if it is abdication of believing anything (which seems very prevalent!). For many people will say “I don’t believe”, but when discussing in more depth we discover that most people have some strongly held beliefs, some of which are remarkably similar to the Christian Faith!
It is said that Church is the only organisation set up for its non-members, for the role of churches throughout the generations has been to provide where government, and society falls short. So at the end of the 19th century it was education and health that was in short supply for those who couldn’t afford to pay privately. And so many of our schools are C of E, but the early ones were nearly all started by non-conformist churches.
Even chocolate was in short supply to the masses so all the big name chocolate companies (Fry’s, Cadbury’s etc) were started by non-conformist church people, who often cared for their workers, providing education and housing as well.

In today’s society things are different. Most things are provided for, but there are still people who fall between the cracks in the ever diminishing services that the Government is providing. So we find people becoming lonely, who can’t get the care they need, and Churches and voluntary organisations step up and take some of the pressure off these services. REACH in Haverhill, the Foodbank in Halstead, Stambourne Chapel Care and various other voluntary organisations provide services for people that are not available elsewhere. These organisations rely on donations to pay for their work, and volunteers to do much of that work. We have just produced our report for the end of our third year of Stambourne Chapel Care.
Every blessing,
Adrian Burr, Minister
Stambourne Chapel Care
We have just passed out three years of operation—gosh where did that time go! We started in February 2021 and looked after around thirty-five people with just four volunteers. We now have around sixty whom we support and have ten volunteers providing visits, telephone calls, dog walking, accompanying for health visits, and generally trying to help people to access the services they need.
If you would like a copy of the report please ask Adrian! And if you would like to volunteer, or to refer, yourself or any one you know for support and help, we will be pleased to hear from you. Our biggest difficulty at present is providing sufficient transport and supporting people through hospital and doctors’ visits, so if you have a few hours each month and are willing to help, please let us know.
Stambourne newsletter April-May 2024
Day | Activity |
Sunday | Morning Services 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month includes Communion. We come together to share in our Sunday Service of worship. All are welcome! |
Tuesday | Coffee morning » 10am – 12pm. Coffee and chat in a “warm space”. Silver Link » 2pm – 4pm. Every other week. |
Wednesday | Wednesday Club 10am – 1pm. Club for people with learning disabilities. |
Thursday | Coffee morning » 10am – 12pm. Coffee and chat in a “warm space”. Our heating system is very effective and we are a warm hearted bunch of people! Also on 3rd Thursday each month we have our Outings Group meeting, where everyone is invited to come for a cuppa and to share where they would like to visit in the next couple of months. We will then organise and order tickets (if necessary) and arrange transport for all who would like to go. If you haven’t any transport but would like to have a couple hours outing, then come along and find like-minded people who can share the experience with you! |
EVENTS for April, May and June 2024
Day | Activity |
16th April | Day at the seaside – PLACES STILL AVAILABLE £20 for coach plus fish and chips lunch. Stambourne Chapel Care Outings Group are organising a trip (open to anyone) to the The Hut in Felixstowe for a day at the seaside. If you would like to come along let us know and we will send through all the details. The Hut is a warm building on the sea front where we can enjoy some time together and entertainment, or if the weather is good, walk along the prom and enjoy lunch together. |
17th May | Lambs at Boydells Farm in Wethersfield We will also be going to see the lambs at Boydells Farm in Wethersfield. |
18th May | Plant Swap and Sale » 10am – 12 noon at Stambourne Chapel. |
16th June | A boat trip down the Stour starting in Sudbury |
December | Christmas Spectacular at Thursford A trip to the Thursford Christmas extravaganza. |
These are open to everyone, though priority is given to the people registered with Stambourne Chapel Care. If you would like to come to one of these visits, or have a suggestion for somewhere else to go, do let us know! It’s always more fun to go with a small group, than alone.
Adrian Burr, Minister,,
07983 656 166
Margaret Mead, Secretary & prayer request,,
07561 283 587
Jill Holmes, Project Lead & Stambourne Chapel Care,, 07883 423 528
Find us on Facebook: Stambourne Chapel or Stambourne Chapel Care

Save these dates!
If you’d like to know more than please visit the Stambourne Ladies Group section.
Contact Lorna on 07980 922 636 or Zoe on 07740 723 057 for more details.
You’re a poet and you didn’t know it! »
Are you a budding (or seasoned) poetess and fancy a bit of friendly competition? Join us tonight and enter our poetry writing contest! (Details will be published nearer the time.) If you don’t fancy writing your own piece, but have a favourite poem you would like to share with the group, bring that along and spread the word. And if poetry is just not up your alley, we’ve got you covered — come and enjoy the delightful company, lots of laughs and delicious food.
- Wednesday, 10th April 2024
- 7pm for 7.30pm
- Free for members; £5 for guests
- Stambourne Village Hall, Church Road, Stambourne CO9 4NP
Talk: Everything stops for tea »
A talk about the history of tea and the tradition of afternoon tea, held by Eve Regelous. You can expect an informative and entertaining evening filled with chats, laughs and delicious afternoon tea themed food.
- Wednesday, 8th May 2024
- 7pm for 7.30pm
- Free for members; £5 for guests
- Stambourne Village Hall, Church Road, Stambourne CO9 4NP
Visit: Wendy the Detectorist »
A walk and talk with viewing of Wendy’s interesting historical finds. If you have anything you’d like to bring along that you have found in the ground please do so as Wendy can help you identify it.
Pub afterwards for those who would like to do that.
- Thursday, 13th June 2024
- Time: TBC
- Free for members; £TBC for guests
- Radwinter
Fish and chips supper »
Join the Stambourne Ladies Group for our fantastic annual Fish ’n’ Chip supper, hopefully accompanied by a beautiful sunset!
Fish and chip yumminess, followed by a surprise dessert. Bring your own drinks. There will also be a fun raffle with great prizes (contact Lorna or Zoe at one of the numbers below if you would like to donate a prize).
Guests are welcome. Round up your friends and family and make a day of it!
- Wednesday, 10th July 2024
- 6pm for 6.30pm
- £6 for members; £8 for guests
- Stambourne Pavilion, Church Road, Stambourne CO9 4NP
Stambourne newsletter April-May 2024
Our next committee meeting will be held on Thursday, 11th April at 5pm. This will be our A.G.M. All are very welcome as well as anyone who would like to join the Village Hall Committee.

Village Hall available for hire »
Hiring Fees, including heating and electricity:
- For residents: £8 per hour
- For non-residents: £10 per hour
This includes heating and a kitchen.
There is also a table tennis table and carpet bowls is available.
To hire the Stambourne Village Hall:
Contact Rosemary Horton on 01440 785 339 or by email at: for more details.
Stained glass class »
A fantastic workshop to create your very own stained glass masterpiece!
- Saturday, 18th May 2024
- 10am – 3pm
- £70
Contact Jeanette on 07707 507 880 or to book your place.
Knit & Natter Club »
- Every Thursday
- 5pm – 7pm
- The Green Man, 3 Church Lane, Toppesfield CO9 4DR
- THE Stambourne Knitting group: get crafty with knitting, crochet, sewing, embroidery, quilting and more!
- Bring along your projects, share ideas and tips, get inspired or just come for a chat. Everyone welcome!
Contact Anna on 07944 696 527 for more details.
And if you can’t knit/won’t knit? That’s fine! Just come for a natter and to meet friends (or make new ones). Whatever your levels of craftiness, join in!
More info »
Stambourne in the news!

Feel free to use this wonderful amenity if you are passing.
Walking »
As the weather improves and we all venture out a bit more, you can find an interactive Ordnance Survey map of the village (and further afield) on our website where you can check the possible routes and footpaths.
You can also check the weather here before you set out!
Neighbourhood Watch—How to protect and mark your property
Hello All,
I talk to many of you in the rural communities, whether at farmer’s markets, coffee mornings or generally patrolling, about the importance of marking property as every year Essex Police recover hundreds of items and we are unable to return to their rightful owners – why is this? Because the property is not marked. A sample of this can be seen here. There are various ways in which you can mark your property, the simplest method being to mark or etch your property with your postcode, house or flat number or the first three letters of your address.

All of these measures help police identify stolen goods, making it harder for thieves to sell. So make your mark! As technology improves there are now advanced products on the market – Essex Police do not promote any one company, just those that are secured by design.
What is Property Marking?
The Secured by Design (“SBD”) membership scheme includes member companies whose products have been awarded the ‘Police Preferred Specification’ status. As a police initiative Secured by Design was implemented to encourage the building industry to adopt crime prevention measures in the design of developments to assist in reducing the opportunity for crime and the fear of crime, creating a safer and more secure environment and ensuring that the product is sufficiently robust to resist physical attack by casual and opportunistic criminals. The SBD focus is on the critical factors that combine to deliver a product’s performance – design, use, quality control and the ability to deter or prevent crime. Examples are: Smart Water, Selecta DNA, Asset Marking.
What is DNA Property Marking?
DNA property marking is a forensic marking system designed to reduce theft by coding valuable possessions with unique synthetic DNA and using warning labels to alert criminals your property is protected. Each property marker contains thousands of microdots which allow Police to identify property located at the scene in a matter of seconds. Thieves can no longer get away with possessing stolen property when confronted by Police. This small bottle of glue which is easily applied to lots of household items contains UV tracers which are incorporated in the synthetic DNA product making it easy for Police to locate and return to their owners.
Other DNA products include Personal Defence Sprays, Underground DNA spray for cables, Tool marking kits, DNA intruder sprays and Tagging Sprays.
For more information around crime prevention advice visit the Essex Police website. Stay safe, enjoy the Spring & Summer months, but please MARK YOUR PROPERTY.
I look forward to seeing you out and about.
Terrie Johnson
PCSO 8143 Braintree Community Policing team
Stambourne Charity Tractor Run »
Join us for the Stambourne Charity Tractor Run, raising money for Breast Cancer UK. Craft fair and classic car/tractor show.
- Sunday, 2nd June 2024
- Run starts at 10am
- Start and finish at Stambourne Playing Field, Church Road, Stambourne CO9 4NR
- FREE to watch; £10 a tractor (places are limited)
- To get your place and your booking form, please contact Colin on 01440 788 211 or email Places are limited so please book.
Stambourne Newsletter
Ideas and contributions for the next newsletter to Karen Crago at or the post box at Tagley Farm by Friday, 24th May 2024.
Thank you.

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF
This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:
Buy us a coffee! ☕

For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee ☕
Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!
Click here for other ways to support the Stambourne website »
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