Stambourne Newsletter: February / March 2020

Digital version of the February-March 2020 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 255


The first meeting of 2020 took place on Thursday, 23rd January 2020 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Stambourne.


A grant is being applied for to improve wheelchair access to the Pavilion. Bookings for the Pavilion are already coming in for 2020.

Playing Field

The annual inspection of the play equipment has taken place with no major issues to report.


A number of footpath issues have been reported to the parish council. These have been reported to Essex County Council for attention. If you are using the paths and notice anything which needs attention please let me know. Photographs are also very helpful.

Children’s Christmas Party

It was good to see the children’s Christmas party reinstated this year. Thank you to the volunteers who came forward to organise this.

VE Day 75

You may be aware of this anniversary taking place in May. We propose an afternoon get-together and barbecue on the Playing Field on Saturday, 9th May. If anyone would like to help with this please get in touch.

Budget and Precept 2020/21

As you probably already know the Parish Council has to set its budget and precept for the next financial year. This year there is no Localism Fund from Braintree District Council to help the budgets. However, with careful budgeting the precept figure for 2020/21 has been agreed at £7,727.

Next Meetings

Thursday, 12th March 2020
Thursday, 21st May 2020
Thursday, 23rd July 2020
Thursday, 17th September 2020
Thursday, 19th November 2020

All at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Full minutes and agendas are available on

Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629

Christmas lights

Several people commented how cheerful the village looked over the Christmas period — a big thank you to everybody who put up Christmas lights and decorated their houses.

Cycle event — Advance notice

Just to advise residents that a cycle event will take place on 22nd March on roads close to our village:

Course map
Location times

Please make a note and take special care when out and about that day. Additional information can be found on the website: (Suffolk Spring Classic).


News from the Chapel

First, thanks to all who contributed to the fun and happiness that 22 people enjoyed at the Chapel on Christmas day as they shared Christmas Dinner together. Without your help and support it could not happen — so thank you from us all! Book now for next year!!!

Thanks all who came to Coffee with Cops in December. Concern was expressed about speeding and the hare coursing issues and we know the police have listened and discussed what can be done.

But moving on! This is the month when Lent starts which takes us through the whole of March and into April leading up to Easter. “So What?” I hear you say. “It’s a time that doesn’t impact my everyday life” – and yes it has become largely forgotten by society generally and seems both invisible and irrelevant. And yet it could be a time when change happens for us all as we spend time with our God who loves us so much.

For it doesn’t take much to change the world! The coronavirus in China is having major impacts on the world. Share prices are changing and the economic growth forecasts are being revised and all because of something that we can’t easily see that makes people seriously ill. It can take only a tiny thing to change the world!

As a group of people who believe we continually pray for people all around the world, whether they are suffering a man-made disaster or a natural one. Whether they are persecuted, in the midst of a war, an outbreak of famine, fire or flood, the one thing we can do is pray. And some of these things are closer to home than we would like. The use of foodbanks is still growing, people are suffering due to changes in social care, our public services are under continuing pressure, whether that means transport, medical services, care facilities or the emergency services. And more and more people are suddenly finding themselves out of their home as financial pressures increase and as it becomes increasingly acceptable to see the break-up of families. And so there is much for us to pray for, and you may know of things you would like prayer for too – so do send in your prayer requests to us. We would love to pray for the things that concern you most!

But our prayer is coupled with action. Foodbank collections go to REACH in Haverhill. Clothes, sanitary products and disability aids go to UK-AID who support the people who have suffered – and are still suffering, the effects the Chernobyl disaster. The Dalit communities in India are supported, particularly the children of poor rural villages where an education is not an option, but the Orphan Home provides refuge and education for just a few of the children. And there are always special appeals for disasters, both in the UK and abroad.

And those who find coping with our social systems difficult find help as we walk beside them through the difficult systems that aim to weed out false claims, but often mean many people suffer real hardship. And in later life that becomes even more difficult and so action is required to ensure real support is provided to those in need.

So there is so much support required in these days when the state systems seem so overloaded. In order to help people find that support we have speakers from various organisations coming on Tuesday lunchtimes to talk us through what help and support is available. See our Lent Lunches advert for details.

But as Spring springs, and summer looms we pray that all will be able to enjoy life to the full!

Every blessing,

Adrian Burr, Minister

Adrian Burr, Minister,, 07983 656 166
Margaret Mead, Secretary & prayer request,, 07561 283 587
Jill Holmes, Project Lead & Stambourne Chapel Care, stambournechapelcare@gmail.com07883 423 528

Find us on Facebook: Stambourne Chapel or Stambourne Chapel Care


25th FebruaryPancake Lunch, What is Lent – video
3rd MarchCarl Knightly, Chief Executive, Faith in Later Life Services to support the older person
10th MarchAbi Morris talking about Dementia Awareness, how to recognize it and how to help those with it
17th MarchKaren James from AGE UK who provide loads of services for older people from befriending to providing support equipment
24th MarchBREATHING S P A C E! Reflecting on life…. (or possibly COMMUNITY360 speaker)
31st MarchSue Monckton-Rickett from The Association of Christian Counsellors – mental health and support through difficult times
7th AprilAlex Howell, from Macmillan Cancer Support. What do they do with the money from the Big Coffee Morning?


10th AprilGood Friday Reflection at 6 pm – a time of quiet with God
12th AprilEaster Sunday Celebration Service at 10:45 am
13-17th AprilApril Spring Harvest at Skegness – come and join thousands of Christians learning about the Unleashed! The Acts Church today
18th AprilApril Music and Mission — UK-AID event
5th MayEARLY WARNING! Our PLANT SWAP will be on May 5th (depending on how the growing season goes!)



Coffee Morning — 10am – 12pm – come along before the Lent Lunches too!

Band Practice — 7.30pm – you are most welcome to come and listen – or bring an instrument and join in!


Otago Strength and Balance Exercises — 2 – 3pm – seated and standing, strength and balance exercises to maintain and prolong independence – refreshments afterwards!

The Chapel prays regularly for many people, but sometimes you may feel a need for an urgent prayer as you face some difficult situation, or in need of comfort or strength to face lifes ups and downs. Please call either Adrian or Margaret, or just drop a prayer request note through the Chapel post box. We don’t need a name or details, but promise we will pray for whatever you feel able to share.


Although Christmas is a distant memory to most of us, I would like to thank all those who attended the Carol Service and give special thanks to the Hedingham Singers who sang wonderfully and kept us all in tune! The Christmas morning service was well attended and our thanks to Rev. Liz Paxton for leading us.

In November there were two funeral services at the Church, Ann Bradfield and Christine Read, “May they rest in peace”.


2nd February9.30amMorning PrayerDave Brown
9th February9.30amHoly CommunionRev. Liz Paxton
16th FebruaryNo service at Stambourne – please see notice board for other services in
the Benefice
23rd February9.30amHoly CommunionRev. Liz Paxton
1st March9.30amMorning PrayerDave Brown
8th March9.30amHoly CommunionRev. Liz Paxton
15th MarchNo service at Stambourne – please see notice board for other services in
the Benefice
22nd March9.30amMorning PrayerDave Brown
29th March11amBenefice Service at Stambourne ChurchRev. Liz Paxton

Looking ahead

PALM SUNDAY — Sunday, 5th April
Benefice walk from Sible Hedingham Church at 10am to Castle Hedingham Church. There will be a short service at both Churches so if you are unable to do the walk please come along to one of the services.

EASTER SUNDAY — Sunday, 12th April
Holy Communion at 9.30am – Rev. Liz Paxton

Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362


Over the last few months we have had a number of great local initiatives speaking about the environment and climate change. Of course we can see major weather effects on the global stage (like the Australian bush fires) and closer to home – the effects of flooding which affect lots of UK communities every winter, including our own.

We are each encouraged to make a difference and take responsibility – don’t sit in an idling car with the engine on waiting for people and creating local pollution, don’t litter, think about single use-plastic and the excessive amount of packaging that is around our shopping.

There’s a great Facebook locally with tips and advice about this called “Eco colnes and halstead” (of course this includes Stambourne as well). If you are on FB, have a look and see what easy, simple changes you could make to care for our planet and our villages.

The Bible teaches that God made and loves the whole universe, everything that has ever existed on earth and in outer space.

The Bible also teaches that God has asked all of us to help look after the planet and all living things. Right at the beginning, in the book of Genesis, Chapter 1 God gives mankind these instructions.

Look at this from the message Bible:

26 God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.”

27 God created human beings; he created them godlike, Reflecting God’s nature. He created them male and female.

28 God blessed them: “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.”

29 Then God said, “I’ve given you every sort of seed-bearing plant on Earth And every kind of fruit-bearing tree, given them to you for food.

30 To all animals and all birds, everything that moves and breathes, I give whatever grows out of the ground for food.” And there it was.

31 God looked over everything he had made; it was so good, so very good!

I think we can all agree that we have not taken care of the planet the way God wanted us to – but we can still do a little – so please get on board with the local initiatives for caring for our local environment, to keep our village and the surrounding countryside beautiful for ourselves and for our children.


Rev. Liz Paxton, Rector

The Benefice of the Hedinghams and Upper Colne
07932 160 594 or 01787 277 270


Children's Christmas Party

Thank you to everyone who helped and to the children and parents who came and made it such a successful event. Next year’s party has been provisionally booked for Saturday, 9th January 2021!!!

We had a very enjoyable Christmas party at the beginning of January. There were a total of 13 children, ages ranged from one to 10 years old. Paul Pleasants entertained everyone brilliantly with plate spinning, puppets, magic and games.

Children's Christmas Party


SLG at the Village Hall

7pm for 7.30pm
Wednesday, 12th February

Come along and see what it’s all about. We’ll be having a brief meeting to go over events of last year and our plans for this coming year. A buffet and refreshments will follow and you’re welcome to bring wine or your favourite tipple.

Stambourne Ladies Group

Here are some of the fabulous things we’re planning for 2020:

  • Coach trip to London to see “9 to 5 The Musical” at The Savoy Theatre
  • Fill a hanging basket to take home demonstrated by “Plants that Grow” followed by refreshments at “Petals”
  • Tasting evening at Great Yeldham Hall Distillery (may need taxis home!)
  • Chocolatier comes to Stambourne, the best ever!
  • M & Co Autumn Fashion Show
  • “Shelley” author Shelley Hull’s inspirational memoir
  • Glassfusion — Glassblowers will show us how to create a glass vase to take away followed by drinks at the Red Lion, Sturmer
  • Three course “Picnic at the Pavilion” bring your own tipple
  • Guide Dogs for the Blind — a visit by a guide dog and it’s volunteer

Contact: Vicky 07778 410 376 or Lorna 01440 785 573 for more details.


Silver Link Club

Fortnightly — Tuesday 2 – 4 pm
An afternoon of fun activities with a friendly group. Includes tea and cake. Outings during summer months.

Contact Vanessa 01440 785 122

Silver Link Club

“Let’s Get Started” — Exercise Class

Weekly — Tuesday 6pm.

For more details contact Lara 07471 105 210

Fitness class

Stambourne K9 Training

Weekly — Tuesday 7pm.

For further information contact Peter 07889 121 148

Stambourne Ladies Group

Monthly — 2nd Wednesday 7pm for 7.30pm.

Call Vicky 01440 785 528 or Lorna 01440 785 573

Stambourne Ladies Group


Monthly — 3rd Wednesday 7pm.

For more details contact Cath 01440 785 678



To book the Village Hall call Rosi Horton on 01440 785 339 or email

Christmas quiz and Grand Draw — Thanks!

We would like to thank everyone who made the night of 29th November 2019 such a success. It was good to see some new faces from the village. We also celebrated Mrs Joyce Jousiffe’s many years of support as a member and treasurer for the Village Hall Committee.

Santa Claus

Jumble sale

The next Jumble Sale will be on Saturday 6th June from 2 – 4pm so make a note in your diary and start saving jumble as all proceeds go to very worthwhile and lifesaving charities.

Jumble sale


Thanks to everyone who came to our first bingo on 15th January. We had a few hiccups but it went well. The hiccups are now sorted so the next bingo will be on Wednesday, 19th February starting at 7pm. Then every third Wednesday in the month. See you there!

Bingo night

Indoor carpet bowls???

The village hall committee is thinking of (re)starting the indoor carpet bowls group and need to know if people would be interested.

Please contact Sian on 07505 355 994 to register your interest.

Indoor bowls

Summer Fête???

If anyone in the village would like to help organise a summer fete, please contact Sian on 07505 355 994 or Lesley on 07505 355 994.

Summer fete

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF

This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:

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Support the Stambourne Village website

For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee

Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!

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