Stambourne Newsletter:  October / November 2020

Digital version of the October-November 2020 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 258


The latest meeting of the Parish Council was held on Thursday 17 September 2020 at 7.30pm. As with many other things, Parish Council meetings have moved to a virtual format via Zoom. This is likely to be the case for some time to come. Parish Council meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to attend.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 19th November 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom

If you would like to attend please contact me or any of the Parish Councillors and we will arrange for an invitation to be issued.

We were pleased to welcome our Braintree District Councillor, Richard van Dulken.


After some delay due to Covid, I am pleased to say that the extension to the veranda of the Pavilion which should make wheelchair access easier, has now been completed. This project was possible due to the Braintree District Councillors’ Community Grant which is available for small projects to improve the local community.

Another grant, the Community Initiative Fund run on behalf of Essex County Council by the Essex Association of Local Councils, has made it possible to replace the fridge and freezer in the Pavilion with new.

It was the final piece needed to finish the kitchen refurbishment. The old fridge and freezer are still in working order. If anyone can make use of them they are available free of charge. Please contact me if you are interested.

Sadly, the Pavilion is still closed due to Covid and it is likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future.

Playing Field

One of the memorial oak trees has died and will be replaced over the winter. You will also have seen that new gates have been fitted to the entrance of the Field.

Footpaths and Highways

We continue to monitor the state of highways and paths in the parish. If you notice a problem please let us know or you can report it direct to Essex County Council via their website at Photos are always useful as evidence of the problem.


There has been one application to consider – Application No 20/01321/FUL – Congregational Church.

Bonfire Night

It has also been decided that our annual Bonfire Night cannot be held this year, again due to Covid-19. Given the most recent news that Covid cases are on the increase again, it was agreed that cancelling was the only option for this year. Hopefully, it can return in 2021.

Full minutes are available on the village website

Stay safe everyone.

Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629


News from the Chapel

First, these strange times have seen the people of Stambourne Chapel busier than ever! We have been supporting people in all the villages around and you will probably have seen Jill and her greyhound Jack, walking around the village to deliver our service sheets and newsletters to people. (If you would like one please let us know!!)

It is great that the Church of England and the Chapel have been able to open their doors again and allow worship to take place on a Sunday, and of course it has been wonderful to be able to use the Internet to communicate, to share worship and music and to have virtual meetings. Who had heard of Zoom before the lockdown?! Now it seems to be on everyone’s lips. But the work of the church never stops. We may not be meeting with all the people we were on Sundays, but we keep in contact every day, we share problems and issues, we shop and get prescriptions, we try to encourage by standing on doorsteps and talking and putting the world to rights when everything around us seems to be falling apart! We are even holding events: thanks to everyone who contributed to our Macmillan’s coffee morning where I can confirm we have been able to donate over £340 to Macmillan’s who provide care services for families and patients living through the effects of cancer treatment. We also had a zoom meeting with friends in India where their struggle is communication: there may be only one TV in a village of two or three thousand people so they do not understand what is happening and when people lose their city jobs they return to their villages and many people are dying through a lack of knowledge. The church are putting themselves at risk everyday travelling to remote villages to educate in protecting themselves from the virus.

Back at home, if you are feeling lonely, have problems or issues, are struggling with work, or home life, then the church is here to help. At this time there are many we can turn to but our great comfort is to be able to turn to each other and to the God we believe in.

Take a look at the Chapel Facebook site (Stambourne Chapel) and read our daily reflections, our YouTube site and hear music and songs, and the news of the Chapel in Stambourne. We look forward to welcoming you all!

Sundays Services

We gather in our own homes and at the Chapel at 10:45am to share worship together.

1st Sunday Communion Service

11th October Sunday Marina Price of the Healing Bus leading worship. There will be an opportunity to pray for healing for yourself, for a family member or friend.

4th Sunday is Reformation Day when we celebrate Martin Luther who challenged the established church in Europe which was the start of the Reformation.

November 8th is Remembrance Sunday and we will join the service around the war memorial at the Church of England churchyard. There will still be a delivered service sheet (email or hard copy) which will continue our worship after the service round the war memorial.

November 29th with be the first Sunday of Advent when we start our preparation for Christmas. We will be planning something different this year!

Tuesdays and Thursdays — 10am-12 we are open for prayer.
Wednesdays — 10am-2pm we have our learning difficulties support.

Adrian Burr, Minister,, 07983 656 166
Margaret Mead, Secretary & prayer request,, 07561 283 587
Jill Holmes, Project Lead & Stambourne Chapel Care, stambournechapelcare@gmail.com07883 423 528

Find us on Facebook: Stambourne Chapel or Stambourne Chapel Care


The good news is that we have been able to open our Churches for worship. The first service at Stambourne was on Sunday 5th July and it was lovely to see such a good congregation.

However, until the end of the year most of the Churches in our benefice will be on reduced services but this will be reviewed at the start of the New Year.

So for Stambourne from July there has been a service on the 1st Sunday of the month of Morning Prayer and on the 2nd Sunday of the month a Holy Communion service. Both start at 9.30am. Singing is not allowed but David Starr, our organist, comes along and plays music in place of our hymn singing. Face coverings are to be worn in Church, but can be taken off if you are reading or saying prayers.

If anyone would like to go into the Church for private prayer please contact me so I can unlock the Church.

On a happy note on 26th September we celebrated the wedding of Kirsten Askew to Andrew Wright of Great Yeldham.


It was a beautiful ceremony despite several family members and friends being unable to attend. The church was decorated with floral displays from Jane and David Waller’s garden and arranged by Heather Hay, ably assisted by Ian.

We send the happy couple our love and very best wishes for their happiness and future life together.



4th October9.30amMorning PrayerDave Brown
11th October3.00pmHARVEST FESTIVALRev. Liz Paxton
1st November9.30amMorning PrayerDave Brown
8th November10.45amREMEMBERANCE SUNDAYMalcolm Buckland and Adrian Burr

Looking ahead

Our Harvest Festival will be on Sunday 11th October at 3pm in the Church (minus hymn singing). Because of the restrictions in entering the Church and cleaning afterwards any contribution of produce etc to decorate the Church would be welcome on Sunday morning 11th between 9.30 and 10.30am.

Remembrance Sunday – 8th November 10.45am. The service will be taken in a slightly different format this year. There will be a 20 minute (approximately) outside service around the War Memorial where we will say prayers, the epitaph, bible reading, read out the names of those who died and observe the silence. Wreaths will be laid as normal. Adrian Burr and our friends from the Chapel will join us. However, we will not be going into the Church afterwards as usual. This is due to not knowing how many may attend and social distancing in the Church and not being able to sing hymns. Malcolm Buckland will be leading the service and Adrian will be supplying recorded music for the signalling of the start and completion of the two minute silence. As it is only a short outside service it would be nice to welcome as many as are able, to this annual act of remembrance.

Christmas Services will be discussed very shortly at our next Churchwardens meeting and circulated as soon as possible.

Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362


Walking or Pilgrimage?

Like many others that I have met in the quiet paths in and around Stambourne many of us have spent significantly more time this year in our countryside. Of course, dog walkers have trodden these paths regularly for years, but it is very normal these days to encounter people out walking on their own or in couples without the need for a dog as an excuse.

We have heard many articles on TV and in the papers about the health benefits of getting out for a walk, both in our physical and our mental health. But I will argue that it is often our spiritual health that feels the greatest benefit, something that we don’t appreciate until we think about it. The moment we engage with the natural landscape, we see signs of God’s care for his creation – in the detail of plants and flowers, the infinite variety of weather conditions, the vast expanse of skies and seas (if you walk far enough!).

A few days away that I spent near Saxmundham appreciating the different vistas there, despite relatively poor weather in early August, was a great blessing as a complete contrast to our soft rolling hills of Stambourne Parish.

As we go walking and journey on, we too become captivated by our surroundings and see our own place within them – and thus God’s great love for each one of us.

Many great journeys are undertaken in order to seek healing or understanding or simply to escape – not always successfully. One of the most important lessons we are taught by walking along the road is that wherever we journey we take ourselves with us; our first priority should be to forgive and love ourselves, seeing ourselves as God sees us. It is only then that we will be able to reach out to others and show by our words and actions that they too are infinitely precious to God.

In this time in particular, we need to take care of our own physical, spiritual and mental health, in order that we can look after our families and friends. So I am praying for a glorious autumn where we can continue to explore our countryside for many weeks to come. Remember, there is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing!

May God bless you in your journey this month, no matter how far or how close your travels take you.


Rev. Liz Paxton, Rector

The Benefice of the Hedinghams and Upper Colne
07932 160 594 or 01787 277 270


Village Hall Committee

I hope you are all doing well! Most of you already know that the hall is closed for the foreseeable future.
I’d like to say thanks to those who played outdoor, socially distanced bingo – even in the rain and hot sunshine!!
Look after yourselves, Cath

Stambourne Village Hall

Silver Link Club

Silver Link is cancelled until further notice.

Silver Link Club

Let’s get started

This now takes place every week on Tuesday’s at 6pm via ZOOM or when weather (and light!) permitting on the Playing Field.

For details of how to take part in these friendly fun workouts contact Lara on 07471 105210.

Fitness class

Stambourne Ladies Group

Although our schedule for this year has taken a huge knock, we have managed to meet up on the playing field on two occasions, bringing our own chairs, drinks and nibbles. It’s been absolutely great to catch up and this is probably the way forward for the foreseeable future. Our playing field is a great asset and is beautiful at any time of the day and so, for the time being, we’ll be guided by the weather forecasts and meet up that way. We’ll also listen to Government advice and make arrangements accordingly. Keep an eye on WhatsApp for dates and times. No doubt we’ll have to wrap up warm!

Anyone reading this who would like to come along, please contact Vicky (07778 410376) or Lorna (07980 922636) and you can be assured of a warm welcome.

Stambourne Ladies Group

Creative Art Group

We’re still meeting up and of course following Government guidelines. We’ll now be meeting outside at the Pavilion on the first and third Thursday of every month at 12.30pm — weather permitting.

For more information on how to get involved contact Kirsten 07469 237 330 or Heather 07800 915 346

Creative Art Group

Homemade deliveries

OZES are offering a made to order range of homemade pies, pasties, plaits, flans, pastries and cakes for home delivery to your door. Please order by / on Wednesdays of each week. Orders will be delivered on Fridays / Saturdays.

All the best, stay safe, Zoe
Contact: Tel: 01440 785778 or call / text 07740723057




Stambourne has a defibrillator located next to the front door of the Chapel in Chapel End Way. The access code is written on the right hand side of the box.

A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart through the chest wall to someone who is in cardiac arrest.

This high energy shock is called defibrillation, and it’s an essential lifesaving step in the chain of survival.

If you come across someone who has had a cardiac arrest, it’s vital to call 999 and start CPR. Then you should find out if there is a defibrillator nearby.

There are many defibrillators available in public places such as train stations, shopping centres, airport and leisure centres. These defibrillators are often known as public access defibrillators (PAD) as anyone can use them in an emergency. You shouldn’t be afraid of using a defibrillator if someone has had a cardiac arrest as the machine gives instructions to follow.

If you want to more you can watch this YouTube Video: – How to use a defibrillator (AED) – First Aid Training – St John Ambulance


The Neighbourhood Watch WhatsApp Group continues to be used to share information and concerns in and around our village.

To join the NW WhatsApp Group please contact Vicky on 07778 410376.

Of particular note is an increased number of telephone / text / email scams related to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Neighbourhood Watch

Advice is to:

Stop: Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.

Challenge: Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

Protect: Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud.

Suspected scam texts can be reported to your mobile network provider by forwarding them to 7726, and forward any suspicious emails to, the National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) suspicious email reporting service.

For those without smart phones please be aware that genuine contract traces for the NHS will NOT request any payment or bank details.


Need Help with a Problem?

Our friendly team is here to help you. You can contact us in a number of ways

Telephone: 0344 499 4719
Help to Claim: 0800144 84444

We’re Citizens Advice and we’re here for everyone

These are very different times which can lead to anyone having questions they
would like to have answered or to need advice on new tricky situations.

Braintree District Council would like to remind everyone that Citizens Advise is available for all.

The local branch is contactable by phone or through their website.

The website has very useful pages on Coronavirus as well as many other topics.

For example: has links to a lot of very detailed information.

Finally, a reminder

Unfortunately the Stambourne Bonfire and Fireworks are cancelled this year. If you are thinking of having a private family one in your garden please consider your neighbours. Particularly if they have horses or other pets please let them know in advance so they can make the necessary arrangements to keep their animals safe.

Thank you!


Stambourne Newsletter

Ideas and contributions for the next newsletter to Karen Crago at or the post box at Tagley Farm by Thursday 26th November 2020.

Thank you.

Stambourne Newsletter

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF

This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:

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For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee

Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!

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