Digital version of the October-November 2023 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 276
The latest Stambourne Newsletter is now available. Read all about the Parish Council, news from Stambourne Chapel and Stambourne Church, activities in Stambourne and more.
Stambourne newsletter October-November 2023
In this issue:
Stambourne newsletter October-November 2023

Stambourne Bonfire Night is back! And we can’t wait to welcome you all on 4th November 2023 from 6.30pm onwards on the Playing Field. Join us for an evening of fun with BBQ, refreshments and, of course, fireworks entertainment!
We look forward to seeing you there »
The latest meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday, 21st September 2023 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. We were pleased to be joined by our District Councillor, Richard van Dulken.

We are pleased to say that, as part of the continuing refurbishment of the Pavilion, new chairs are going to be bought. These will be funded by the Bonfire Fund and with a grant from Braintree District Council’s Community Grant.
There has been another attempted break-in of the end shed of the Pavilion which caused damage to the door and hinge. The damage has now been repaired.
Playing Field
At long last, the large rocking horse and toddler swing have been repaired and are now back in use. Apologies for how long this took but it was due to delays with the contractor supplying the parts.
There has been a continuing issue with the speed of traffic through the village. We are now purchasing a moveable VAS sign to use around the village.
We continue to monitor all the footpaths in the parish and any issues are reported to Essex County Council. Anyone can report in problems on footpaths or highways using the Essex County Council website and follow the links. Alternatively, please send details of any issues to me at the email address below and I will report them. Photos of the problem are always helpful.
Defibrillator Awareness Evening
We were pleased to welcome the Community Heartbeat Trust to Stambourne on 7th September 2023 for an awareness event after the new defibrillator was installed at the Village Hall. The evening was a great success with a good number of people attending. Thank you to everyone who came and for the Community Heartbeat Trust for running the event.
Parish Council Meeting Dates 2023
• 23rd November 2023
All are Thursdays at 7.30pm in the Village Hall unless shown otherwise.
More details may be found here »
Full minutes are available here:
Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629
Stambourne newsletter October-November 2023
The Benefice Profile for a new Vicar to fill the vacancy, has been completed. It is now with the Area Dean for finalising one or two points and the Parish representatives have a final meeting on 9th October to discuss these points. Hopefully then we will be at a stage to progress to advertising.
I would like to thank those who have been coming to services, reading the Bible passages and keeping the flowers looking so good, throughout this time of uncertainty and change. Unfortunately these vacancy advertising procedures can take a while. Please be patient and continue to support our Church.
I have just returned from the Harvest Festival and felt I wanted my thanks to go into this Newsletter. There was a congregation of 20 and Nick Ellis took a very traditional Harvest service.
My thanks to Oscar, Jane, Geraldine, Louise and Ian for supplying vegetables and greenery and decorating the Church so beautifully and for the many tins, packets etc. which were donated.

I will be taking all these to the food bank. A big thank you to all of you.
Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362
Stambourne newsletter October-November 2023
Date | Time | Service | |
1st October | 9.30am | Harvest Festival » | Nick Ellis |
8th October | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Caroline Brown |
5th November | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Tim Goodbody |
12th November | 10.45am | Remembrance Sunday | Nick Ellis |
3rd December | No service | ||
10th December | 4pm | Carol Service » | Rev. Caroline Brown |

Date for your diary
Sunday, 10th December 2023 at 4pm: CAROL SERVICE »
Stambourne newsletter October-November 2023
News from the Chapel
So this summer has been challenging for the Chapel with a mixture of good news and difficult news. On the good side we enjoyed our MS Trust event and were able to send the proceeds to them and pray that this will help pay for a small amount of help and care for someone with MS.
Earlier in August, Brian, who plays guitar for us and who is our treasurer, suffered several heart attacks which eventually led to by-pass surgery. He is recovering well and is back with us again, but taking life steadily in order to build strength again.
We also lost our drummer and mower man, Dan and his wife, Jill as they moved away to be close to their daughter in the West country. We pray that everything has gone well and they are enjoying being close to children and grandchildren.
On a good note we are now ready to start the building project to put up new toilets, an office and a store room making the building much more flexible and useable. We have also raised about a third of the required funds and so we are looking to raise grants and do fund raising activities to start the work.
Also we enjoyed a harvest celebration that allowed us to send non-perishable goods to the food bank in Haverhill together with a cash donation raised from the sale of the perishable items. And we still give thanks to God for the harvest our farmers are able to gather and that many in the village gather from their gardens and the hedgerows.

So it is with mixed feelings we go into autumn and look to our future with several plans for new activities. We pray that the village will continue to use our coffee mornings as an opportunity to share their woes and excitements as well as to meet new people and our local policemen who quite often pop in to find out how the village is doing.
Our faith is what keeps us on track and we continue to pray for the village and all who live here and if you would like someone to pray for you or with you please do contact me or our secretary Margaret.
Every blessing,
Adrian Burr, Minister
Stambourne newsletter October-November 2023
We have just held our Macmillan’s coffee morning and thank everyone who came and who contributed cakes and helped on the day. We are delighted to be able send money to this cause.
Day | Activity |
Sunday | Morning Services 10.45am. 1st Sunday includes Communion. We come together to share in our Sunday Service of worship. All are welcome! |
Tuesday | Coffee morning » 10am – 12pm. Coffee and chat. This often includes a visit from the Community Police or from Richard Van Dulken, our District Councillor. |
Wednesday | Strong Seniors (fitness class for seniors) 2pm. Keeping independently mobile, strengthening muscles, improving bone density, mobility and cardiovascular health. We congratulate Vic, our fitness instructor, as she is expecting her first child later this year, so after we finish this term on Wednesday, 18th October, fitness classes are on hold at least until the new year. Details of when we will restart from the Chapel contacts below or |
Thursday | Coffee morning » 10am – 12pm. Coffee and chat. This often includes a visit from the Community Police or from Richard Van Dulken, our District Councillor. Also on 3rd Thursday each month we have our Outings Group meeting, where everyone is invited to come for a cuppa and to share where they would like to visit in the next couple of months. We will then organise and order tickets (if necessary) and arrange transport for all who would like to go. If you haven’t any transport but would like to have a couple hours outing, then come along and find likeminded people who can share the experience with you! |
EVENTS for October, November and December 2023
Day | Activity |
19th October | Blake House Craft Centre A trip to this craft centre, which houses a wide range of small and friendly local businesses including a mini golf course and a tea room. |
12th November | Remembrance Service 10.45am. At the memorial in the churchyard. |
16th November | Film: Hairspray 2.30pm. At Halstead Empire Dementia Cinema. |
3rd December | Haverhill Silver Band Family Christmas concert At Haverhill Arts Centre. Tickets are £12 or £10 for concessions. |
17th December | Carol Service More details to come. |
21st December | Pantomime Dick Whittington 1pm. At Haverhill Arts Centre The Arts Centre events are booking up fast so please let Jill know if you would like to come. |
As and when | One place we regularly visit is the Halstead Empire theatre, which every month put on films for free for people including those who may have dementia, or learning disabilities, but it is open to all older people as well. A group recently went to see the film Downton Abbey. |
Stambourne Chapel Care
This voluntary organisation was set up to help people as they go through life changing situations. Our group of 8 volunteers currently serve around 40 people. The group is funded by grants and by donations as there is no charge for any of the things we do, although we are very grateful for the donations that many people make. If you would like to support this work by volunteering, or by donating please contact Jill.
Adrian Burr, Minister,,
07983 656 166
Margaret Mead, Secretary & prayer request,,
07561 283 587
Jill Holmes, Project Lead & Stambourne Chapel Care,, 07883 423 528
Find us on Facebook: Stambourne Chapel or Stambourne Chapel Care

Save these dates!
If you’d like to know more than please visit the Stambourne Ladies Group section or contact Lorna on 07980 922 636 or Zoe on 07740 723 057.
Oktoberfest 2023 »
Join the Stambourne Ladies Group for our very own Oktoberfest: a hot supper with dessert to follow, lovingly prepared and seasoned with fun, chats and laughter.
- Wednesday, 11th October 2023
- 7pm for 7.30pm
- Free for members; £5 for guests
- Stambourne Village Hall, Church Road, Stambourne CO9 4NP
- Contact Lorna on 07980 922 636 or Zoe on 07740 723 057 for more details
Fused glass workshop »
This month’s activity will be a 100% hands-on affair! Get your crafting mojo on and join us! (Materials supplied by Katie at Molten Wonky.)
- Wednesday, 8th November 2023
- 7pm for 7.30pm
- Free for members; £3 entry + additional charge for workshop for guests — BOOKING ESSENTIAL
- Stambourne Village Hall, Church Road, Stambourne CO9 4NP
- Contact Lorna on 07980 922 636 or Zoe on 07740 723 057 for more details
Stambourne newsletter October-November 2023
Village Hall available for hire »
Hiring Fees, including heating and electricity:
- For residents: £8 per hour
- For non-residents: £10 per hour
This includes heating and a kitchen.
There is also a table tennis table and carpet bowls is available.
To hire the Stambourne Village Hall, contact Rosemary Horton on 01440 785 339. More info »
No overnight parking
The area around the Village Hall is for people using the hall, please. No overnight parking is allowed. Thank you.

We are interested in starting a Pilates class, but are looking for an instructor.
If you know of anyone, please contact Cath on 01440 785 678.

Village Hall Committee
We are keen to recruit more volunteers to be on the Village Hall Committee. We are a very friendly group and would be most welcome.
If you are interested, please contact Cath on 01440 785 678.

Stained glass workshop
We previously had a very successful stained glass workshop. Jeanette is willing to do another one before Christmas.
If you are interested, please contact Jeanette

Christmas quiz at the Stambourne Village Hall »
Jacket potatoes & chilli and a vegetarian option, as well as Christmas pudding and cream will accompany the evening.
Bring your own drink and glass and have a good time!
The Christmas Grand Draw will also be held on the night.
Prize for winning table
- Saturday, 16th December 2022 at the Stambourne Village Hall, Church Road, Stambourne CO9 4NP
- 7pm for 7.30pm
- £10 per person (including food)
- Contact Cath on 01440 785 678 to book a table
Knit & Natter Club »
- Every Thursday
- 5pm – 7pm
- The Green Man, 3 Church Lane, Toppesfield CO9 4DR
- THE Stambourne Knitting group: get crafty with knitting, crochet, sewing, embroidery, quilting and more!
- Bring along your projects, share ideas and tips, get inspired or just come for a chat. Everyone welcome!
- Contact Anna on 07944 696 527 for more details
And if you can’t knit/won’t knit? That’s fine! Just come for a natter and to meet friends (or make new ones). Whatever your levels of craftiness, join in!
More info »
Stambourne Newsletter
Ideas and contributions for the next newsletter to Karen Crago at or the post box at Tagley Farm by Friday, 1st December 2023.
Thank you.

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF
This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:
Buy us a coffee! ☕

For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee ☕
Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!
Click here for other ways to support the Stambourne website »
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